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Hello everyone! I've prepared a little treat since you all have been so patient with my book. This will be a filler chapter to keep you guys satiated until I can get back to the war. This is a flashback to one of the first-ever chapters, only this time, Rin actually gets to fight in the Grand Magic Games.



The year was X791. The first day of the Grand Magic Games was well underway and many Fairy Tail Team B members were rearing to get picked to fight. Their resolve had been fueled by the heartbreaking loss of Lucy's battle, especially after realizing the unfairness of the match. Rin was the most furious. She couldn't wait to get her hands on Raven Tail, whether she was a reserve member or not. She could still compete if chosen.

And it seemed that today was her lucky day.

Orga had just finished obliterating Warcry of Quatro Cerberus with his Lightning God Slaying magic. His retched singing destroyed the brunette's eardrums and made her want to throw herself to the arena floor head first.

"Okay," yelled the proctor, Chapati. "I'll announce the first day's final fight match-up!" The crowd roared with excitement. Team B grit their teeth in anticipation, knowing well that the last team left besides them was Lamia Scale. They were strong opponents, so they couldn't walk in lackadaisical.

The drums of the festival beat just as hard and rapidly as Rin's heart; a lump forming in her throat from being anxious. "It's Rin of Fairy Tail B versus Jura Neekis of Lamia Scale!"

The crowds roared at the sound of the Wizard Saint. Everyone knew he was undeniably strong and perhaps the strongest wizard of the younger generation of mages. However, no one cheered for the brunette fairy, seeing as they were the losing guild and they had never once heard of her.

However, she held a proud grin and leered deviously at her opponent across the stadium. She was just itching to fight and she had received the best opponent possible.

"Finally," she hissed to herself," a challenge!"

The bald man calmly walked down into the arena with a graceful yet cocky smirk. But on the inside, he was a nervous wreck. He knew Rin better than most people and he knew she was an absolute force to be reckoned with. Even he had never seen her full power, but what she had shown him was terrifying enough. It was safe to say that she had easily earned her title, even at her young age.

Hastily throwing her body over the ledge and jumping into the arena, Rin landed with a loud thud, the soles of her combat boots digging into the dirt ground and kicking up dust. Her entrance made her look like some kind of villain.

Jura stared her down; her violet eyes were wild and held a certain bloodlust that made him shiver. He couldn't deny that this girl was intimidating and could probably beat the shit out of him within five minutes if she really wanted to. But he could tell she wanted to have fun, so he'd give it his all and try to compete with her. "Even quiet among her guild, no one knows the capabilities of this woman!"

"Who the hell―?"

"She doesn't stand a chance!"

"That poor girl can't fight a Saint!"

The two competitors stood across the battlefield, staring each other down. They had always craved the opportunity to truly test each other to the fullest and this was the perfect opportunity.

"Personally, I'm rooting for Fairy Tail," he started off. Rin cocked an eyebrow, suddenly dropping her grin to purse her lips. "But our Obaba is really strict about that..."

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