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Rin rose from the comfortable bed of Crocus Gardens, trying her best not to irritate the sleeping male beside her who had his arm removed from her waist immediately. She looked down at him and smiled at his peaceful features. She thought back to the night before when she heard about Natsu being the true hero that saved the city from dragons.

    ...Destroying the Eclipse Gate...

    ...Defeating Future Rogue...

    The brunette cursed herself for putting her body under so much strain that it hardly worked anymore. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have to leave... She shook her head and forgot any thoughts remotely similar to that. I did it to protect the people I love. Plus, I may have never gotten the chance to tell Sting how I feel...

    She slipped on her socks and combat boots, halted from tying them up by a hand wrapping around her and pulling her back onto the bed.

    "Sting!" She whisper-yelled at the blonde to release her. He tucked her close to his body and held her in his warm embrace. She sighed in defeat and snuggled closer. "I have to go..."

    "Please let me go with you," he said in a shaky, hoarse voice. He was very clearly against this.

    "Sabertooth needs you," she rejected. "I promise I'll come and visit every chance I get and I'll call your Communication Lacrima to check in." His hold only got tighter. "I know you just want to protect me, but don't think I don't want you to be there for me. I just need to do this alone."

    "If there are any complications, I'm heading after you immediately." She giggled as she recognized the sound of his pout in his voice.

    "I won't stop you." She tilted her head up to meet his sapphire eyes which were staring back at her in total adoration. She smiled in content and lifted her body away from his. He groaned and threw the sheets off of him. Rin could hear his footsteps walking to her side of the bed as she tied the laces on her boots. She finished the final bow and stood up to meet his chest. She looked up at him and released a breathy chuckle. She went to speak but he quickly cut her off with his hand held up in front of her face.

    "I know you need to leave immediately because we don't know the consequences of all of this, blah blah blah, but I need to say a couple of things. I'm gonna sound like a total dad... Maybe... I wouldn't know, I've never had one... If you don't call at least once a week, I'm going after you." Rin opened her mouth to protest but Sting covered her mouth with his palm which only drew him an irritated glance from her. "One more thing," he dropped his hand from her mouth. He quickly swept in and planted his lips firmly on hers.

    What started as a soft kiss escalated into a passionate, sweaty, and heated make out session. Rin's arms were wrapped tightly around his neck while his fingers dug into her hips and held her pressed up against him. Their lips moved in sync and their bodies grinded against each other. A new feeling began to rise in Rin; one she hadn't felt before. Sting's fingers rose and hooked on the waistband of her shorts, causing goosebumps to flood her smooth skin. She hummed against his lips in ecstasy at the sensation.

The sound and vibration it sent through his body made him want to hear it over and over again. The lust running through Sting's veins was intoxicating, but he stopped himself and pulled away from the kiss slowly.

    She looked up at him while she breathed heavily with irritation flooding her violet eyes. He chuckled at her and smiled lovingly.

    "Such a tease," she muttered. He chuckled again and pulled her into a tight hug.

    "I thought you had to leave?" She scoffed at his attempt to bug her. "We had our first kiss yesterday, calm down." She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his back loosely.

    "You're making this really hard." He pressed his lips to the crown of her head and took a large whiff of her scent so he could memorize it. Who knew how long it would be before he got to hold her like this again. "But I really do need to leave."

    "I know," he replied sadly. "You can't even take Leese with you?" The brunette shook her head.

    "It's too dangerous. In that vision from the night the dragons attacked, she—" Rin choked on her words. Sting caught on and nodded his head for her to continue past that part. "I don't want to see her go through anything like that ever again."

    "I promise I'll take care of her. I'll keep her safe until you return." Rin looked up at her boyfriend and smiled gratefully. She pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, the smile never leaving her face.

    "Thank you."

There are gonna be some shorter chapter in the near future. Just thought I'd let you know.

Thanks for reading!

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