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It was another bland day at Sabertooth. The weather was bipolar, switching from minutes of sunshine to hours of rain at random moments. Sting had decided that it was unfit for jobs and refused any of his members from trying to go out. He couldn't risk letting his comrades get sick, injured, or be shelterless in case the outdoor conditions got worse. So, all of Sabertooth crowded in the lobby, trying to strike up conversations with one another to keep themselves busy.

Rin wasn't very social. She was decent acquaintances with Rufus and Orga now, and Minerva and Rogue were people she considered friends. But Sting was the only person she felt like talking to today and he was holed up in his office doing piles of paperwork. She was sitting alone, sipping on her water and glancing around the room.

Everyone that she considered friends of hers were sitting at a table along with Yukino who had made it very clear that she did not consider Rin her comrade in the last few weeks. Whether it was ignoring Rin's attempt at talking to her or completely pretending that the brunette didn't exist, it was extremely clear. Also, Yukino made sure to take up enough space for two people in the booth she was sitting in, indiscriminately cutting Rin out from the group.

Rin's violet eyes traced the room again. People had their heads lazily resting on the tabletops, clearly bored of sitting around. It was almost as if the guild let out one, collective sigh. Rin slammed her hands on her table and caught the attention of the entire guild. She stomped her way into the guild hall's pantry and used her magic to grab as many large barrels of whatever alcohol they had. People watched curiously as she dragged a total of 46 large barrels of liquor out into the lobby.

The brunette dragged a large table away from a group who were sitting around it and placed it in the middle of the room. After doing so, she climbed on top and stared everyone down from above.

"Listen up!" Some Sabers scowled at her demanding voice, considering she wasn't a member of their guild. "You people clearly don't know how to have fun at a time like this, so allow me to switch things up." She grinned evilly, sending shivers down everyone's spines. "We're gonna do this Fairy Tail style! Whoever thinks they can hold their liquor, get your asses up here. We're gonna have a good, old-fashioned drinking contest!"

When no one stepped up, Rin frowned and used her magic to forcefully slide their chairs over to the table. "I gave the option for volunteers, so don't blame me for choosing you. I can't drink by myself up here. Anyone else?" People were still hesitant to join in, looking at each other for confirmation.

"I will." Everyone's head turned to the doorway to find their master strutting toward the table with a grin on his face. "It's about time we did something fun like this!" Rin looked back at the crowd. Some people began to come forward since their master appeared to give the okay. Many sat down, being careful to leave the seat beside Sting open. Yukino made to step forward but stopped when she realized that Sting had his eyes trained solely on his mate. She scowled and crossed her arms. Orga, however, ran up and took the challenge, sitting on the seat next to Rin's. The brunette finally jumped down from the table and took her designated chair.

Rin grinned at her blonde lover before nudging his arm with her elbow.

"You know, I'm the alcohol champion of Fairy Tail," she exclaimed proudly. Sting challenged her optimism with a smirk. Rin used her magic to grab glasses and bring them to the table so she could fill them up with whatever was inside the barrels she had retrieved.

"We'll see about that." After all the pints were filled, Sting leaned over and gave Rin a really quick peck on the cheek before preparing his brain for tomorrow's painful hangover. Rin glanced over to the pale bluenette who she found glaring directly at her. The brunette feigned innocence and tilted her head to the side with a polite smile. Yukino scoffed and turned away.

"Okay, everyone! Start drinking," she drawled out, "NOW!" Sting picked up his first pint and started gulping away. Other people pulled away from their glasses, grimacing at the bitter taste of beer. The golden liquid was refilled for whoever had finished their glasses for a second round. Sting slammed his first empty glass on the table, glancing to the side victoriously thinking he was the first to finish his glass. However, when he looked at his mate, he found her pouring the liquid down her throat in a matter of seconds. She set the glass down for whoever was refilling and showed Sting three fingers. His jaw dropped, utterly impressed with his lover.

After around ten minutes, people began to tap out. The bitter flavor of the alcohol was too much for their taste buds. Rin, Sting, and Orga continued at it, suddenly becoming the main act for this show. Orga had downed eighteen glasses, Sting downed twenty-four, and Rin was finishing twenty-nine. The large male seemed to have reached his limit, his face meeting the table in a mental blackout. It was now a battle between lovers.

Rin had taken a far enough lead, she decided she would just sip on the next few beers and watch her boyfriend drink like a true man. He was nearly finished with his twenty-seventh when Rin finished her thirtieth. The brunette waved her hand to whoever was getting the next barrel and asked them in a deep slur, "can we get some wine now?"

She continued sipping, thinking this would be more fun if Sting caught up to her. However, she could see by the sweat building on his forehead that he wouldn't be able to drink much more without getting sick. Rin pouted at her thoughts but decided on what was best. She set her half-empty glass of wine on the table and put her head down.

"Aah, I can't drink anymore," she said in an obvious fake tone. Sting glanced at her and cocked a brow.

"Does that mean I win?" The slow, unclear words fell out of his mouth like gibberish. Rin chuckled drunkenly and leaned on his shoulder.

"I still drank more than you, but you can hold the title if you'll stop. I don't need you getting sick," she pouted.

"Thank god," he mumbled, resting his head on the wooden table. Rin ran her fingers through his hair, relaxing him instantly.

"Come on, let's go to bed," she coaxed. Although she couldn't speak properly, she could think and manage herself. She may not remember it in the morning, but she'll make sure someone tells her all about it.

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