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"This is HQ! Can you guys hear me?"

    "What do you mean by 'HQ', Warren?"

    "No movement from Master Ivan," Bisca reported. "Go ahead."

    "Roger! Team Raijinshuu plus Lisanna, how 'bout you?"

    "This is Raijinshuu plus Lisanna. Currently, there are no conspicuous movements from Raven Tail. I'm not gonna let you do any funny business like that first day, Crow-chan!"

    "Just try to tarnish Laxus's valor. The Raijinshuu won't guarantee your lives."

    "Calm down, Freed. We're not gonna let them do anything suspicious."

    "Rin, how is it on your side?" The brunette huffed with a scowl as she looked down into the arena from one of the statues' heads. She watched as both Laxus and Alexei made their way to the center of the field. She crossed her arms and shut her eyes momentarily.

    "Nothing yet. Something about the balcony smells kinda weird but I can't place it. I'll keep a close eye."

    "Hear anything?"

    "Not yet."

    "Roger. Don't miss anything."

    "I know," she said exasperatedly.

    "Let the match begin!" A gong sounded as the match officially began. Laxus began speaking to his opponent but was taken off guard by his sudden charge. The blonde was immediately pushed off his feet and into the air and in that instant, a new scent filled Rin's nose. She squinted down from her place but couldn't see anything other than the ordinary match that Laxus was somehow losing. Then, she began to hear things.

    There was speech... Laxus's voice as well as someone's she didn't recognize. There were hints of maniacal laughter from deep in the arena corridors which caught her by surprise.

    Rin connected to Warren immediately to relay the new info.

    "We've got a problem!"

    "Tell me what you see!"

    "I can hear voices from the center of the arena, but Laxus and Alexei aren't talking. And there's a weird scent covering the field, almost like a barrier." Warren only sighed.

    "You're watching them yourself. Are you sure it's not just a disturbance from the crowd?"

    "Do you really think I'd confuse the crowd for something like this?!" Rin began to get irritated with the team captain.

    "We can't do anything about this! There's no suspicious movement from anyone and the fight is proceeding as normal."

    "Bisca! Shoot the balcony!"

    "W-Why? They're just standing there..." The green-haired woman's voice wavered at the sudden command. "I can't!" Rin growled in frustration.

    "Fine," she yelled at the group. "I'll handle this myself!" The brunette jumped from her position and onto the walkway where some of the capital's guards stood and watched. They jumped in surprise at her sudden appearance and shakily watched as she stomped off into the arena with a deadly aura surrounding her.

    Rin's fists were clenched tight and her fingernails were beginning to bruise the skin on her palms. Her teeth were grit tight and her fangs began to protrude slightly more than normal. She focused on the sounds she was hearing and smelled the air every few steps to confirm her suspicions. Meanwhile, Warren was screaming in her head to fall back, but she ignored every command and advanced forward.

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