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"That was horrible," Sting grumbled as his feet finally made contact with the ground after being on a boat for who knows how long. Rin rolled her eyes but agreed. No matter how strong they got, transportation would always be their strongest weakness. "Now what?"

"We let Ajeel know we've arrived in Alakitasia so we have somewhere to stay." She glanced around at her surroundings with her bag slung over her shoulder. "Then we are free to do as we like." The blonde male nodded and followed his mate as she began to walk further into the port. Of course the Empire couldn't take people lightly, so they had set up security checks in front of the main wall that led into Alakitasia.

Some of the men that worked had returned home from the battle at Ishgar. Taking note of this, Rin walked up cautiously with Sting on her heels. His sapphire eyes were narrowed suspiciously and he kept his body close to hers in case of a threat.

One man noticed the woman's presence and elbowed the chest of his buddy with a gaping mouth.

"H-Hey! It's Rin!" The other man looked to where his partner pointed and found the traitor. He quickly grabbed his staff-like weapon and heal it out toward her in a combat stance. Rin continued walking forward until the tip of the magic spear was pressed against the center of her chest.

"We don't allow traitor's into our walls!" Rin simply remained calm, her face stoic as ever. She quickly rifled through her bag and retrieved the invitational letter Ajeel had offered her the day that they signed the treaty.

"As a man working for the Empire, you think they'd tell you that Alakitasia and Ishgar are under a peace treaty. You should also be aware of the guest list for Ajeel's coronation coming up." The man narrowed his eyes at her. With gentle fingers, she passed the other man the letter. He hastily snatched it from her grasp and scanned over the words with his eyes. Finding Ajeel's signature at the bottom, all he could do was sigh.

"She's good to pass through," he coaxed his friend.

"No way," he scoffed.

"The letter strictly says that Rin and this man are allowed to pass into Alakitasia at any time as they are friends of the royal family." Roughly grabbing the letter from his partner, the other man read it and found that he was speaking the truth.

"Don't worry," Rin reassured. "I'm merely here to support a good friend of mine." The two men warily stepped aside to let her pass by, but they stopped the male in tow. "Hey, he's with me!"

"We know who you are, Rin-sama. But this man is a stranger to the Empire."

"What seems to be the problem here?" Rin spun around at the sound of a familiar voice and found Jacob approaching her stiffly in his tux.

"J-Jacob-sama!" The tall man locked eyes with Rin and gave her a curt nod as a greeting.

"We're here for Ajeel's coronation," she said, motioning to the blonde being held back. "However, they won't allow this one through."

"No worries, gentlemen." The sound of Jacob's reassuring voice brought chills to their spines. "These two are special guests of the Imperial family and are to be treated as such." With a small glare to the blonde male, the two guards let him past to join up with his mate. In his bout of irritation, he grabbed her hand in his for his own comfort. "Rin," Jacob called. "I shall escort you two to your residency in the palace. Follow me."

Rin smiled with a slight blush and followed happily with the man she loved at her side.

"Look at you," she teased. "Always getting us into trouble." Sting scoffed and spun her around by their interlocked fingers.

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