Chapter 2-Classes

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(Update! Almost the Easter holidays so hopefully I'll be writing more :D)


Lunchtime ended way too quickly. I had modern studies next with Mr. Geppetto. He was very old and 'wise' some would say. But to me, he was just a prick. He gave someone into trouble one time just because they sneezed.

"Quiet class," he snapped. I heard Kay snigger as Ambrose whispered something into his ear.

"Mr Kay, would you like detention for the rest of the month?" Mr. Geppetto asked with a tint of agitation in his voice. Kay jumped at his voice as the teacher turned to face him.

"N-no sir," Kay stuttered. He tried to avoid the gaze of Mr. Geppetto's angry green eyes, but it was impossible because he was a really scary teacher, especially when people disobeyed him.

"Keep your mouth shut then," he warned, handing out assignment papers. An assignment on the first day? Are you kidding me!?

"Now, you will be paired with someone in the class and will have a month to complete the assignment. If you fail to complete it, you will receive the appropriate punishment. Do I make myself clear?" We nodded our heads in unison. God he scared me, and was probably one of my worst teachers.

We were eventually paired up and I got the worst person in class - Ichabod Crane. Of course I had to get him. Of all people. This was going to suck. He was skinny kid with an old-fashioned kind of hairstyle and was a complete nerd. Not that I had a problem with nerds, it's just the fact that he had a crush on me which made every interaction between us really awkward.

"Hey Snow," he said as he sat down next to me, smirking to himself. I didn't reply as he checked me out, making me really angry. I couldn't do anything about it, however, so I completely ignored him the whole period and stared at the beautiful, transparent clouds that slowly floated past the mountains.


The period finally ended when we finished planning the project. It took twice as long though as Crane always argued with me on what how we were going to present it. He was annoying me the whole time, making me feel even more angry and I eventually stormed out the class before the bell had even rung.

I had art last which was good. Art was calming, especially when we had Mr. Smith. He pretty much let us draw whatever we liked, and I enjoyed the freedom thoroughly since art was something I enjoyed. It was a hell of a lot better than maths or modern studies anyway.

I walked and talked with Nerissa as we made our way to class.

"An assignment already? That's so cruel!" Nerissa exclaimed, adjusting the white lily in her hair.

"I know, I totally regret not taking geography now," I sighed, leaning on the wall covered in painting by the juniors. Who cares if I was tardy or not. It's not my fault modern studies was all the way in the other building - on the second floor.

"See ya tomorrow then Snow," she grinned and merged into the crowd. I spun on my heels and entered the class just as everyone sat down.

I really needed to stop talking to my friends before class, because the only seat left was next to Bigby Wolf. Great.

I sat next to him and took out my sketching pencils. I wasn't too bad at art but I wasn't the best either. I remember Rose had bought them for me last Christmas when I became an "artist." But the only reason I got into drawing was because of my mother always pushing for me to get a hobby, even if I was bad at it. Ah, mums.

I snapped back out of my thoughts to examine the guy sitting beside me. My eyes widened at the muscles on his arms, and his perfectly hazel coloured hair matched his eyes. When Cindy told me he was a hunk, I never really realised it until now. I need to stop staring or else he'll notice!

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