Chapter 12- The Fight

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(Update! Omg 1000 reads?!?! Pinch me, I'm dreaming! This is absolutely amazing and I want to thank everyone who has read and supported my book from the start. I never imagined that I would reach this milestone and it means so much to me. As a reward, here's chapter 12! Enjoy!)

Third person view

Beauty tried to distract Snow as much as possible by making pointless chat up and leading her deeper and deeper into the forest without her even noticing. Although Beauty's mindless chat had distracted her, Snow couldn't help but think about her current situation with her...boyfriend? Friend? She was that confused and had no idea what to call him anymore. What she had to do to protect him was going to be hard, as Snow felt that deep down inside, they were just meant to be. But Mary's riveting speech had swayed her decision and Snow knew she had to do the right thing.

Meanwhile, her friends watched from only metres away, eager to find out how well Beauty's ingenious plan would work out. Some of them thought it wasn't the best thing for their friend at this particular time, but they couldn't just let Snow and Bigby not work things out. It had to happen one way or another.

Knowing she was near the meeting spot, Beauty came up with a silly excuse to leave Snow alone, "Oops! I forgot my phone! Just wait here a sec Snow, I'll be right back!"

"Beauty, can't you survive without your phone for five minutes?" Snow complained. But there was no point in trying to stop her as she had already disappeared into the forest.

Tired and fed up, she sighed and sat on a tree stump. The twittering of birds had covered up the sound of footsteps from behind her, until the mysterious person had spoken up;

"Hi Snow," Bigby said quietly, the nervousness in his voice as clear as day. But he would talk to her, as this was his golden and only opportunity where she was alone. Or so he thought.

She stood up in surprise at his presence, and in an attempt to avoid him as she had been doing all week, she started to walk away but Bigby grabbed her wrist. Not tightly, but tight enough to spin her round so that they were face to face.

"I just want to talk Snow. Please don't leave again," she stared into his eyes, noticing the hint of hurt when she had tried to leave, making Snow feel guilty. But she tried not to show it. He eventually let go of her and they stood there in an awkward silence, before Snow had plucked up the courage to say;

"There's nothing to talk about Bigby." Her voice was firm, but it had almost cracked due to how scared she was.

"What about us? You've been avoiding me all week! What's wrong?" He demanded an answer, and had noticed her hesitation. He knew she was upset and...scared? But why?

"There is no us Bigby. That day...we kissed, every emotion...every piece of pain I've all came back. That kiss was a mistake..." She didn't mean any word of it, as her heart was telling her differently. But Bigby took this comment seriously, as he was positive that she was meant that kiss and how they felt. His wolf senses never failed him, so it couldn't have been true, right? Snow wouldn't lie to him, as he would've known that right now. If she was lying, then why? Why was she turning her back on him so suddenly?

"That's not it," he said with a slight hint of anger. Her eyes widened at his tone, and what was supposed to have been an act had now turned into the real thing.

"What?" She questioned in the same tone.

"You're lying. That's not the reason at all, is it?" He crossed his arms, convinced that he had figured her out. She did the same.

"How do you know?"

"I can sense if people are lying. Really well."

"Is that so? One of your many senses then?" He took this as an insult, and that's where it kicked off.

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