Chapter 7-The Mission

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(Update! This chapter is a bit mushy, but I promised my friend I would add her song to my story! Enjoy!)


Earlier that day....

"You did what?!" I shouted angrily and Mary folded her arms.

"Yeah, I murdered her. So what?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could she not care?

""So what?" You can't keep doing this Mary!!" I yelled. She gave me an angry stare as if to say 'what the hell did I do wrong?' The thing about Mary is that she does everything wrong. They say I cause the trouble, but mostly it's her fault.

This woman just had no guilt.

"Oh that's so rich coming from you! Let's talk about what you do now, shall we?" Mary pointed her finger as it gradually started to grow longer. Before anyone had seen, I clicked my fingers quickly, brining her back to her senses. We always did that in case things were getting out of hand aka one of us was about to shift.

It's usually her. Most of the time.

"Don't play this game Mary! I'm trying to change who I am. You know that! It's all in the past," I stressed, pinching the bridge of my nose. She turned her back on me.

"You're complaining about me killing people compared to how many you've killed? Who do you think you are?" She hissed. I tried to calm her down by putting my hand on her shoulder but she slapped it away. People were beginning to stare. The thing is, I was really trying to change. But with her around, it was impossible not to get in trouble. She gave me the wrong ideas and sure, it was fun sometimes. That still didn't mean we had to kill though, or at least, she didn't.

I had to ask, "Why did you have to bring this up of all the places?"

"Just thought I would let you know," she turned round and smiled at me. She was doing this to provoke me, I knew her all too well. And it was working.

"What happened to keeping a low key huh? What happened to us stopping this?"

"It's not my fault if people say my name in the mirror. I teach them a lesson. It's just what I do Bigby. What about all the people you've killed?" She sneered. Give me a break! It couldn't possibly be as many as Mary killed...I think.

"At least I'm trying to change! You're making no effort whatsoever to stop this!" I exclaimed.

"Watch it Wolf! You wouldn't want anything happening to Snow, now would you?" My eyes widened, making her laugh. I swear if Mary did anything to her...

"Don't you dare bring her into this!" She was about to say something when the bell rang.

"This conversation isn't over!" I warned her as she stormed off.

I shook my head to keep in the rage. She was giving me a headache.

Third person view

Snow's Flashback (They're younger here)
Snow and Rose's house...

"Wait Snow!" Rose half-shouted making her sister dart round quickly.

"What?" She snapped. It had been a rough night, with too much homework and little rest for Snow. Even though she was in Middle School, the amount of homework she was given could drive a person mad. Dealing with her little sister certainly wasn't helping.

"Can you sing me a song before you go to bed?" Rose sank below the sheets, giving her sister the puppy eyes.

"No Rose," Snow stated sternly

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