Chapter 18-The Curse Part 2

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Third person view

Mary, Ichabod and Maddie did show the book to pretty much every Fable they could find. The only people who hadn't yet seen it was Snow, Bigby, Woody, Alice and Vivian. However, all of their friends had succumbed to the curse and these five were the only ones who could help them before it was too late.

"This is working out rather well now isn't it brother?" Tweedle Dee rubbed his hands together mischievously, observing the chaos of Fables and their other persona.

"Indeed. And no one suspects a thing!" They laughed and watched Kay punch Woody in the stomach.

"This curse was the best prank ever! The change of personalities really brings out the best in people," Dum smiled as Mary rushed over.

"I got those batch of lollipops you guys wanted!" She handed them over happily.

"Very good Mary! Run along now!" She waved goodbye and went to find Bigby.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm, which was 'Diamonds' by Rihanna. (Don't hate on my bad music taste plz).

That used to be my favourite song until I made it my alarm. What an idiot.

I slapped the clock to shut it up and got out of bed. What was that smell? Pancakes!

I ran down the stairs like a little child on Christmas Day. I don't know why I was so hungry this morning but I desperately wanted breakfast.

"Morning Snow! Is your sister up? I haven't heard the shower so you may of actually beaten her this morning," Mum grinned and brought over the food. That wasn't like Rose. She was always up before me, even if she had been out late. Perhaps she had stayed out till about four in the morning with Jack? From memory, that was the only time I had beaten her. But not because of tiredness. Her alarm didn't go off.

I scoffed my pancakes and went upstairs to see if she was awake. I poked my head through the door to see her still completely passed out in bed.

"Rose wake up! You're gonna be late!" I scolded. She never moved a muscle. Instead, she let out a hearty snore.

I punched her arm to wake her up and she jolted awake. Her eyes fluttered open, giving me a cold glare.

"What?" She snapped, yawning.

"You were supposed to be up ages ago! What the hell is wrong with you this morning?"

"Oh sorry! I didn't realise it was a school day!" I put my hands on my hips and glared back, "Bugger off Snow and let me sleep." She sneered. My eyes widened. Rose had never said anything like that to me before, and this surely wasn't her normal behaviour. Something definitely wasn't right with her.

"Don't talk to me like that Rose! Now get your lazy ass up before you get kicked," I threatened, half-joking. However, her reaction was entirely different and completely out of line.

She stood up and kicked me in the shin. And I didn't mean the playful kick you would get off an angry child. This was a full-on, extremely painful and outraged kick. I squealed in pain, holding my ankle to relieve the pain and desperately trying not to fall at the same time.

"Oh look who got kicked now? Threaten me again Snow and I'll push you down the stairs," she hissed, giving me an evil grin. I stared at her in shock, rubbing my shin in agony. What the hell was wrong with her? Rose had never done or said anything like that to me before... I guess I know how it feels to be her.

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