Chapter 29-The Date Part 2

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(Update! Last part of the date and I've super Snigbyfied it so enjoy!)


Mary reappeared just in time and guided us back through the mirror and into the forest, where she winked at me and disappeared.

"Where to now?" My curiosity was building up. I was really excited, but I wondered what I was excited for. Why did Bigby have to be so mysterious? The night had already been perfect, so how could it get even better?

"You'll see," he stated mischievously and we walked through the forest, far away from the cliff. Where was he taking me?

"I've got a surprise for you, but you have to close your eyes," he held out his hand as I closed them. He guided me through the trees and over logs, carefully and gently pulling me through the forest until I heard running water. Was there a lake here or something?

"Open them," I did what he said and my eyes opened in desperation. It was a waterfall, and a really big one too. It had a large drop, and the water sparkled at the bottom as fireflies slowly emerged and fluttered over, almost getting hit by the water droplets. The stars twinkled brighter, making the scene even more perfect. He led me over to the edge of the small lake, where we gazed at the fish and admired their graceful beauty.

"'s amazing," my jaw dropped in awe and he smirked at me, obviously happy that I was pleased. Actually, I was more than pleased. I was content.

"It's pretty cool huh? I discovered it a few days ago actually. Even Mary hasn't been here yet," I gasped in surprise. That meant that this place was officially ours. Our special place, even more special than the cliff.

"How did you find it? We must be deep in the woods, because there's no waterfalls for days here," the lake glistened under the moonlight, making the fish become more visible. We were watching them closely as they swam around slowly.

"Just went for a wonder one day. This is not even the best part, follow me," he held out his hand once again and I took it with a grin large enough it hurt a little. We went round and found a stone path which led behind the waterfall. There was a huge cave which had different crystals and gems gleaming in the rocks. They were very old yet shiny. It's amazing how crystals could keep their glow for centuries.

"This is incredible," I breathed. I didn't have exact words for it since there wasn't enough to describe how gorgeous it was. Except one; magical.

"So, you like it then?" He raised an eyebrow and I folded my arms, raising a brow.

"Like? That's too little a word. More like absolutely extravagant!" We laughed and went to examine the crystals. I didn't want to disturb them in case they were supporting the waterfall. All we could do was stare and admire them in silence. The sound of the waterfall being the only noisy thing in the forest.

"Thanks for taking me here. It's...wonderful," God Snow. Another thousand more of those words and you'll turn into a thesaurus.

"You're welcome. Anything for my best girl," his comment made my cheeks turn strawberry-red in seconds. I loved him. We smiled at each other and went back to the lake. I dipped my hand in and swayed it gently. Bigby did the same.

"Can we do this more often? I've never felt," I stared at the glistening water, then back to Bigby's hazel eyes.

"That's a good idea. This can be our own little place, right Snow?"

"Agreed," we sat by the lake and watched the fish swim together, occasionally staring at each other and smiling. I slowly edged towards him and he did the same until we were side-by-side. His arm went round me and instantly bolts of electricity seeped through me. Good kinds of course. I don't know what it was about him, but he always made me so complete. I would get these strange tingles whenever we were close, so it had to mean true love, right?

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