Chapter 31--Soul & Maka (Sleepover Part 3)

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Soul's Point of View


I walk to Kidd's house, hands shoved deep in my pockets. I can barely keep myself from gnawing on my cheek as I go. Maka invited the rest of the gang over a little later, she wanted to give me time. I knock on the large, black door. Kidd answers, to my surprise.

"Soul," he says, in his perfectly even, emotionless voice. "What can I do for you?"

"We need to have a conversation," I say. Trying to keep my voice as controlled.

"About what?" He cocks his head to the side, I can't believe he's playing dumb.

"Maka," I say simply.

"Yes," he nods. "I suppose that is necessary."

"You punched her in the face," I spit.

"To be fair, I was aiming for you," he shrugs.

"I can't believe you," I scoff. "How can you not show remorse?"


Kidd's Point of View (Ooh, switching it up(; )


How can he not tell that I am broken? My mind is screaming, why can't I show him emotions? Make him see how sorry I am?

I shake my head, unable to voice the thoughts running through my mind. Why can I show such a multitude of emotion when it come to the stupidity of symmetry, but not for the people I care about? I'm sorry, Maka.

"I didn't mean to hit her," I say, my perfectly even voice never betraying my hurt. Damn you! "I'm sorry I did, and I'm sorry I didn't reach out to either of you."

Soul rolls his ruby eyes, "Did you even here what happened to her after you hit her?"

I look at him, confused. "No, what happened?" There's something that starts to break inside me.

"She had a little incident," he says. "With black blood."

"Is she all right?" I ask, panic leaking into my voice. Finally!


Soul's Point of View


Of course he shows emotion when something about Maka comes up, I think sarcastically.

"Why do you do that?" I ask, avoiding further elaboration on the incident.

"Do what?" Kidd asks.

"Show absolutely no emotion regarding our friendship, but when it comes to Maka you care?" I'm writhing with anger.

He starts delicately, "It is very hard for me to show emotion sometimes."

I scoff, "Wasn't hard when you were kissing my girlfriend."

"Yes, and for that I am sorry, that was a moment of weakness." He is pleading, "I don't want to ever effect our friendship how I know that did, you and Maka's friendship are too important to me. Please, accept my apology."

I think for a moment, "I guess it would be okay," I flash my sharky grin. "We're having a sleepover to finish the one previous, I guess you can come. If you behave yourself."

He nods, "I definitely can."


Help, what should they play? Should we get a little naughty? Or keep it clean-ish with truth or dare?

Love you(;


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