Chapter 19--Soul & Maka

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Soul's Point of View


I can't believe this is happening, why did he have to like her? Why didn't I address it sooner? What is wrong with me?! The thoughts scream through my head as I worry about my beautiful girlfriend.

How did he even hit her that hard?

I mean, she is kind of weak right now, but he isn't that strong, is he?

Well, he is Lord Death's son..

But still, Maka, you have to wake up.

I walk slowly through the halls of the school, it's late and I'm surprised anyone was still here, a couple students sprinkle the halls whether training or just trying to get ahead, like Maka used to do.

"Hey, Soul!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see my best friend, and slightly self-centered, blue-haired boy running toward me. "How is she?!"

"How did you even know?" I ask, I didn't tell anyone.

"Kidd was crying, actually crying," he kinda laughed. "Not that wussy crap from stuff being unsymmetrical or perfectly symmetrical..." He looked around, "Anyway, what happened exactly, Kidd just said that you went into the kitchen and picked a fight, Maka got in the middle, and he accidentally hit her. It wasn't that hard, right? That's what he said, anyway."

I rolled my ruby eyes, looking at my best friend with pain in my eyes, thinking about what happened to her and not being able to help her. I shook my head, "He was in the kitchen with Maka, alone, I could tell something was up." I start explaining, "I went in there and found him kissing her, like, really kissing her and I kind of blew up. I asked him what his problem was and punched him and he tried it punch me back and when Maka got in the middle, he was throwing another punch and basically hit the entire left side of her face."

"Holy shit," he shook his head. "I thought something didn't add up if you needed to take her to the dispensary."

"Stein's trying to help her, right now, but so close to her last problem..." I choke on my words, "I don't know if she's going to wake up."


Maka's Point of View


I feel like I'm floating, it feels funny. But then I'm on the ground in front of a big mansion, hmm, it seems familiar.

I knock on the front door, but it opens at the first impact, I walk in slowly.

Someone is playing the piano, oh, maybe it's Soul! I rush happily to the sound, and there he is. My white-haired, weapon. He stops playing, turns to me, and his eyes aren't right. They're cruel, and black? No, that can't be right, this can't be right.

"Soul?" I ask him.

"Oh, no, Maka," he grins a Cheshire grin. "I'm not Soul."

"T-then," I start, shaking my head. "W-who are you?" Damn my stutter.

"I'm your devil," he shrugs, easily. "All this sleeping woke up the black blood in your system, that's where I come in. I'm here to seduce you." He smirks , shooting me a wink.

I almost gag, "As if you can do that."

My skin crawls as he walks toward me, "Oh, honey, I know all your weak spots." He whispers in my ear as he brushes his lips across my neck. Goosebumps raise on my bare arms. When did I get in this dress?

The way he grins when I glare at him makes my soul melt. He looks so much like Soul, why?

He senses the change in my demeanor and grins wider. He plants a hard kiss on my cheek, before doing the same to my lips and I can't help it. I fall into the shadows.

He chuckles a dark, malicious laugh, "Good girl, Maka, it's time..."

The darkness is starting to lift and his voice is just a whisper.

"To wake up."


Well, this one is kinda short and weird, but Soul is kinda screwed. Maybe he will become the next Kishin. I'm not sure, what do you guys think?


P.S. I actually have a pretty good idea(;

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