Chapter 8--Soul and Maka

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Maka's Point of View


As Soul and I walk back to our apartment, we don't speak, though it isn't entirely uncomfortable, we just don't know what to say to each other. Acting how we did before just seems too strange considering we're dating now, my mind and my heart have very differing views on how to fix that issue.

I don't realize Soul staring at me until I try to steal a look in his direction, "What?" I ask.

"It's weird," he shrugs, "Absolutely nothing has changed, but I can't act like we did before."

"I know, I was just thinking the same thing." I stop walking, "If we could just be us before and everyone saw this wonderful future for us, what if we let them down with an actual relationship?"

"Maybe that's it," he suggests.

"What is?" First time Soul's noticed something before I have, Liar.

"Maybe we're so worried about everyone else and how they think we should act that we're letting them dictate too much."

"That makes sense, I guess. Though, that still doesn't explain why we're so weird now, why can't I just treat you how I normally do?"

"Because," he says, "You worry too much about what would happen if you did."

"I'm not following," I admit.

Somehow we found ourselves walking again as Soul tried to get me up to speed. "This morning at the school there was a moment when I expected you to hit me, but you didn't. Instead you hit Black Star."

"That's not because we're dating," I protest.

"Isn't it, though?"

I think back to the moment he's talking about and I remember thinking how much I wanted to hit him, but my heart wouldn't let my brain give the command. "You're right."

"I think it would be best for us not to change just because we're dating," he continues. "It'll take us awhile because the transition is strange, but we'll get back to where we more." A sly grin crawls across his lips.

"Gross, Soul!" I scoff to cover the giddy giggle that rises in my throat, "Stop it."

He smiles and places a kiss on my cheek as we reach the door, "Just stop thinking," he whispers.

Easy for him to say, my brain complains. Adding some rather demeaning expletives about his intelligence, but I ignore it. She'll accept it sooner or later, my heart agrees.


Soul's Point of View


My hands are gripping the seam in my sweatshirt pockets so I don't take Maka's hand, though it would be okay for me to do that, I'm trying to get our relationship back to where it was. I still don't quite understand how someone as cool as me fell for someone like Maka, and how she got me to admit it. I guess love really does makes the heart do stupid things.

We walk together in silence again, with the sun still laughing above us. When we reach our apartment, I turn to Maka, "What do you want to do?"

My stomach growls and I watch the grin walk across her face, "How about I cook and you find something for us to do when I'm done?"

"Cool," I smirk at her and swing the door open.

She walks directly into the kitchen while I plop onto the sofa--I just felt like Soul would call it a sofa instead of a couch--While I listen to Maka clatter around the kitchen and I turn on the tv. A romantic comedy blares through the speakers and I roll my ruby eyes, I'm too cool to watch something like this. The beginning credits roll through as I try to find something else to watch, something manly 'cause, you know, that's just me.

Maka interrupts me just as I'm about to click 'Ok' on an action flick, "I love this movie!"

"Of course you do," I roll my eyes and grin at my beautiful Meister. "Wanna watch it?"

"Did you want to watch something else?" She observes the open guide on the tv screen.

"No," I shrug, "Just looking."

"Okay," she curls her legs into a cross-legged position and hands me a plate of food that smells wonderful.

We watch the terribly cliche movie as it plays through and I wonder idly how Maka can like something like this with how headstrong she is, maybe she will stop thinking and let her heart speak.

"Maka?" I ask, gently.

"What's up?" She looks at me, concentrating all her attention on me despite her love of the movie.

"Was I your first kiss?"

"I don't understand how that's any of your business," she gets angry instantly.

"Maka," I say, seriously. I almost tell her she was mine, but there are two reasons I don't: Maka wouldn't believe me and my cool reputation is at stake here.

"Yes," she sticks her tongue out, trying to make light of her anger. "And I know I wasn't yours, so it isn't a big deal." She hides her face.

"How would you know that?" I feel a little hurt, but pride is also there. So I am cool.

"Blair, for one thing." I hear the bitterness in her voice.

I think back to when we first met Blair, the time when I almost became a Death Scythe. Blair was naked in the bath when I broke into her house, she wasn't shy about it either. "I never kissed Blair," I say defensively.

"Oh, please," she rolls her emerald eyes.

"Maka," I grab her hand and hold her gaze with mine. "You were my first kiss."

God, what is she doing to me? I think, I'm too cool for this!

"Don't lie to me, Soul, especially just to make me feel better. I know you're 'too cool'"--she put air quotes around the two words, ouch--"to let someone as lame as me be your first kiss."

"Hey," I stroke her cheek with my fingertips. "That's my girlfriend you're talking about."

Despite her anger and seriousness, she smiles, rolls her eyes again, and presses her face into my palm.

"I love you," I whisper.

"And I'm too cool to say it back," she melts into her grin while she mocks me.

"Oh shut up," I inch my faces closer to hers.

"Just kiss me," she says with a smile.

"Is that all I'm good for?" I smirk.

She feigns a look of shock, "I thought you already knew that." I pull my face away from hers and act hurt, "Come back," she gropes the air in front of her. "Kiss me."

I grin, "Is that your heart or your brain talking?"

"A little bit of both, actually."

"Well, let's give them what they want." I close the distance between us and my lips touch hers with an electric shock.

Our souls melt together.


Well, another installment. I finally started reading the Manga, I'm kind of ashamed admitting that to you guys, but I had only watched the Anime. I'm super excited because I feel like reading it is going to inspire me to further the story.

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Love you(;


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