Chapter 24--Soul & Maka

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Maka's Point of View


No, stop! My head and my heart scream at me, What are you doing?!

My foot haults it's ascent to the white-haired boy's skull, something in me seems to snap and the need to kick him suddenly goes away. Something else seems to connect and I realize how much I love this boy.

"Soul?" I ask him, "Soul, what happened?"

"Maka?" He asks back, looking up. He seems to be testing the waters, "Is it really you?"

I look down at him, a question in my eyes, "Why wouldn't it be me?"

He leans back onto his knees, that's when I see it, the deep blue-almost black-bruise spreading from the inner corner of his eye to a sickly purple on his cheek. I suck in a surprised breath, "What happened?!"

"Well, Kidd punched you," he starts. I remember that part, but what does that have to do with anything? "Then, while you were sleeping, something took you over. You were gone, and whatever took your place was evil. You wanted to kill something, Stein strapped you in to see if you were in there at all and you were, but it woke up and you bit me, then punched me in the face."

Tears well in my eyes, "I'm so sorry, Soul." I cry, "I should just leave and never come back."

"No, Maka, are you crazy?" He scoffs, "It wasn't you, it was the black blood that was waiting for a time to strike." I shake my head, I didn't have any black blood, did I? "You're my one and only," he touches a hand gingerly to my face. "No matter what troubles come our way, your soul belongs to me."


The end of another chapter, don't you love what I did there?(;

... Not the end yet!



Soul's Point of View


I look deeply into the vibrantly alive and green eyes, I'm so glad she's back with me, forever. I leaned in and kissed her, deeply, this is the first time I kissed her, really kissed her in the past couple of days.

She instantly wraps her arms around my neck, her fingers twisting into my hair.

I hear Stein shift awkwardly by the bed, he clears his throat, expecting that to break our heated moment, but it doesn't. "Uhh..." he coughs, awkwardly. "I'm just going to go," I imagine him pointing toward the door and I smile against Maka's lips as I hear the door close quietly behind him.

Maka breaks the kiss, panting, "Soul, I love you." She whispers, looking shyly into my eyes.

"I love you, too," I kiss her cheek. "Forever."


This is the end, the next chapter will have smut, be warned, if you don't want to read that, skip ahead.

Sorry if you don't like that kind of reading, but I'm dedicating it to my boyfriend.

You know who you are, darling(;


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