Chapter 23--Soul & Maka

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Soul's Point of View


"All right," Stein said, rocking back in his chair. The cigarette hanging uselessly out of his mouth, "Here's what we're going to do." He started restraining Maka to the examining table, "We're going to monitor your dreaming," he said to Maka.

"Why?" Maka asked, warily.

"You've been put to sleep twice, Maka," he explained. "Rather close together, I might add," he placed a shackle over her legs. "We need to make sure you're still dreaming."

I looked at Stein, we hadn't spoken through any of the details as to what tests he was doing, but why this one? What will this do?

When Maka is strapped down and the wires are attached to her head, she looks around, completely blank of emotion. Stein put the needle in her arm, the sedative in a very small amount. He pressed the plunger on the syringe, shooting the clear liquid through the needle.

Maka smiles a fake smile at me, I just want my girlfriend back. Where did she go?

As her eyelids sag, Stein comes to stand next to me, monitoring her closely. When her eyes finally drooped didn't open again, he looks to my worried and confused expression.

"Don't worry," he says, taking a puff from his almost fully ash cigarette. "I'm monitoring her dreams to see who is in charge, is it Maka's dreams? Or whoever is controlling her now?"


Maka's Point of View


I'm confused. Why did Stein tie me down? Why is he monitoring my dreams? The questions trail through my mind as the sedative starts to take effect. My eyes droop, and I see Soul. Oh, Soul, I miss you, my mind and heart whisper. I smile a fake smile at him, trying not to gag at the sentiment.

My world finally goes dark as I close my eyes again, I wonder if I'll actually dream.

My black-eyed Soul sits in a comfy, extravagant chair-almost a throne. As I sit on the cool metal floor of a cage, trapped. I'm still naked from the trick of seduction my devil played on me and I shiver.

"Just let me go," I cry, loud and hard. The sobs continue to shake my body harder than the shivers. "At least give me some clothes."

He chuckles, "I don't think I want to." He places a hand to his chin, contemplating, "You look so vulnerable and scared. It's delicious."

The sudden anger I feel toward the devil is a wave that takes over everything, my eyes just stop watering, the shivers cease, and I grab the bars of my cage. "Let me go! You're nothing but a coward!"

He grins, "How do you figure?"

I have somewhat of an epiphany as I try to rip the bars apart. It's the truth, and the words pour out of my mouth as a smile spreads across my face. "You tried to take Soul, so hard and for so long before you came for me. He didn't give in because I was there to stop you, he didn't even know any black blood entered my system. I didn't even know, you're just a coward that took me at a moment of weakness."

I look around the large, empty room, the walls are crumbling. The cage, melting, "Soul! You have to save me!"


Soul's Point of View


The feed of her incredibly vivid dream to the screen suddenly stops, I look back at her supposedly sleeping form. She's awake, I spin toward Stein in a panic.

The confusion is evident on his face, "She isn't supposed to be awake yet," he whispers urgently.

"Maka?" I inquire.

"Yes?" she asks, blankly.

"Are you okay?" I ask back.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be okay?" She looks around, her eyes still completely dead. "Why am I tied to a bed? Get me out, now."

"I'm just performing some experiments, Maka," Stein says carefully. "We have a few more to complete if you want to go after Calypso again."

"I don't want to do this anymore," she says, "Let me out, please."

"That wouldn't be wise," Stein says. "To interrupt the tes--"

"Let me out now!" She yells, yanking on the shackles, hard. The metal of the examination table screams in protest at the sudden pressure.

"Maka," I say, trying to soothe. It still isn't my Maka, but she can still come out. I walk over to her and press my hand to her cheek, testing the waters.

Her eyes seem to spark before softening for just a moment, her face presses into my hand and the door slams closed just as quickly as it opened. She snaps at my hand, catching it between her teeth, locking her jaw in place. The blank look returning to her eyes.

"Maka," I say calmly. "Let go." I resist the urge to smack her in the face, mainly because Maka is in there somewhere.

She shakes her head, sinking her teeth farther into my hand. Stein is on the opposite side of her, he starts to undo the shackle at her wrist, I shake my head feverishly but he isn't looking at me. When he drops either side of the shackle, Maka's hand whips toward my face, I can't go anywhere. I pull on my hand but it hurts to move it, her hand collides with my face. I fly across the small room, hitting a wall. I groan in pain, that is definitely not Maka.

She undoes the other shackle on her wrist before doing the same for her legs, she hops off the examination table walking toward me. I refuse to fight her, I can't make myself hurt her.

"Maka, stop!" I scream at her, urgent and unable to scramble to my feet before she is hovering over me. "This isn't you!"

She raises her leg, aiming the toe of her boot at my face. I look down at the ground, leaning onto my hands and knees. "Maka, please, don't do this."


Hey, guys! I broke my writer's block! Yay for me!

I'm still seriously thinking about adding some smut in the next couple of chapters after everything is figured out and all. So, I'm going to ask for a vote if you would like me to keep it clean. And a comment if you want me to add a little smut, and if you do, tell me what kind(;

Love you


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