Chapter 17--Soul & Maka (Sleepover Part 1)

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All right, guys, I'm going to go super mainstream for a second and make a sleepover chapter. But I'm going to be different and ALL the drama will occur xD Please vote if you like it and I might make a mini story out of it... Maybe(;

Thanks! Enjoy!



Maka's Point of View


I'm standing in the kitchen, making Dim-sum for the sleepover we have plans for this evening. But instead of making the standard dim-sum, I'm making a dessert version. Not so sure how it will turn out, but I do most of the cooking in this house for a reason--yes, I do mean to brag.

I'm humming softly to myself when Soul enters, "Smells delicious." He whispers in my ear, nipping at my neck, "And I'm not talking about the food."

He's been complaining all night that the gang is coming over, "Soul," I smile. "Stop it, you're the one who said you didn't want to have a date night tonight."

"But I don't want a date night," he says, hungrily.

I can hear the smirk in his voice, "You're gross." I giggle.

He flips me around and his lips smash to mine, I push him away, "Stop it, Baka, they'll be here any minute. And I'm still not done cooking."

"Fine," he grumbles, his body crumpling hysterically.

"You're such a child," I say, pecking his cheek.

He walks out of the kitchen as the doorbell rings, he groans audibly and I laugh out loud. He opens the door and I hear him invite everyone in, I put the finishing touches and the lids on my dim-sum creation and grab a bowl of chips--just in case.

"Hey, guys!" I grin as everyone looks at me and even more enthusiastic at the food in my hands.

Kidd smiles genuinely at me, it makes me smile automatically. And Soul's brow furrows, what's up with him? We sit in a circle around the coffee table, the food littering the space beautifully. And it turned out deliciously, if I do say so myself.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Soul asks, bored.

"I want to play truth or dare," I hear a small voice, Crona?!

"Oh really," Soul raises an eyebrow at the pink-haired boy. "Let's do it."

"I'll go first," the small voice replies. "Kidd, truth or dare?"

"Truth," he replies, his voice strong.

"Who do you like?" He asks, I see a hint of hope in the frail boy's figure. Cute!

Kidd looks around, a small symmetrical blush forming on his cheeks. "Someone in this room."

Soul rolls his eyes, honestly, what is wrong with him tonight?

No one presses Kidd's answer, he nods and turns to me, "Maka, truth or dare?"

Soul stares at me, the scrutiny makes me uncomfortable. "Uhh, why don't you ask someone else?"

"He asked you Maka," Soul snaps.

"I forgot the muffins in the oven!" I say jumping to my feet. I hurry into the kitchen before Soul can say I didn't put muffins in the oven.

I stand breathing deeply in the kitchen facing the countertop, why is Soul acting so strange toward Kidd? We're all friends, he shouldn't be acting like that toward him, especially not toward me. I finally calm my breathing enough to return to the others, but before I can, arms wrap around my waist.

I smile despite myself, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," a completely flat and serene voice responds.

"You aren't Soul," my voice chokes in terror.

"It's okay," he whispers in my ear, the voice is familiar, but my terror can't help me place it. He turns me around and shoves his lips to mine, then I see who it is...




Soul's Point of View


I just went to the bathroom for a second and he's gone! "Where's Kidd?" I asked panicked.

"In the kitchen with Maka," Tsubaki says questioningly. "Why?"

No one else sees it, my devil laughs at me, the only reason you do is because of me. You can't kill me, you need me.

Not now! I yell in my head.

"It's nothing," I lie smoothly. They don't call me cool for nothing, I grin to myself. "I just have a question for him."

Tsubaki shrugs and turns back to BlackStar, who for the first time, isn't being obnoxious. He's looking at his partner with an absolute love, but it's mixed with something else that I look at Maka with all the time. Lust.

I grin, get it, BlackStar!

I shake my head and walk back to the kitchen, I need to get in there, now.

I push the door open, just as Kidd presses his lips to Maka's--my Maka's--"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I grab his shoulder and whip him around toward me, anger burning in my eyes. Temporary fear melting into smugness in his. The bastard.

He smiles, actually smiles, at me. And I instantly let my fist come in contact with his cheekbone, he tries to hit me back, but I catch his fist. I'm usually not stronger than him, it has to be the adrenaline. Or it's me, my devil grins. There's growing frustration in the young shinigami's eyes.

Maka shoves her way between us as Kidd's fist flies again, I try to stop him, but I can't. The scene goes in slow motion as his fist comes in contact with her beautiful face.


Ooh, what can come from this?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments or you can message me(;


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