Chapter 12--Soul & Maka

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Thank you so much for the votes and the comments and the followers! I'm so excited that my story is getting this kind of response, even though I wish you guys would help me out just a little bit more, I still really appreciate the support!

You guys are the best! Keep reading!



Soul's Point of View


Maka doesn't need to worry, I can beat this. Even as the thought travels through my brain, I can't hide the fear in my soul. I can't lose Maka to myself, I can't lose her at all.

I look over at her while she's cooking, she catches my eye and smiles tenderly, making my heart beat faster. Why is this happening now?

Because, my devil says, you can be evil. And now, Maka can help you.

I don't know what he means by that, and I don't want to know. I'm going to beat this again, I won't let magic be my demise, Crona didn't. Ragnorok didn't either, if he can beat it, I can. Right?


Shut up! I yell in my head, "Hey, Maka, I'll be home a little later."

"Where are you going?" she doesn't sound as worried as I expected her to.

"I just wanted to go for a walk," I shove my hands in my pockets.

"Want me to come with?"

I shrug, "Nah, I'm actually gonna find Black Star and have some boy time. Be back in a little bit."

See? You're already lying to her, my devil grins. Just help me, help you. Let the power of a Kishin out, Maka can be your first good soul.

I run out the door before I break down in front of Maka, the image of Maka dying at my hands runs through my mind over and over. My devil is laughing, he's stronger now, he never used to bother me when I was awake.

I walk quickly through Death City, my hands shoved in my pockets.

At DWMA...

I'm searching for Crona, hoping he can help me, he's probably in class still.

I see the familiar pink hair walking in front of me, "Crona!"

"Huh?!" He calls, his eyes panicked like always. "Soul, it's you."

"Yeah, I need to talk to you."

Ragnorok climbs out of Crona's back, "What about me?"

"I need to talk to both of you," I pause. "Now."

"I don't know how to deal with this," came from Crona's lips as Ragnorok spoke over him: "Ooh, must be good."

"I just have a couple questions," I say, trying to calm Crona down.

Ragnorok rolls his eyes, "What do you want, Scythe-boy?"

"Crona, are you still bothered by Ragnorok's black blood?"

"Uh-h, sometimes, why?"

"Well, after Maka and I's run-in with Calypso last week, I've started to have dreams like I used to. But this time it seems to be getting worse, what pulled you out of it?"

Crona smiles, softly, "Maka did."

"This is boring," Ragnorok groans, "I'm going to take a nap." With that, he disappears into Crona's back again.

"What do you mean Maka did?" I demand, part of it is because if Maka can fix this it'll all be okay, the other part it's... jealousy?

"She was my first friend," he shrugs. "Like I told you when she was sleeping, she's the first person that cared enough to bring me out of it."

I nod, "So, how does Ragnorok's blood effect you now?"

"There's still that part of him that wants to be a Kishin, but he likes where he is now in Death City, so it isn't constant."

"Mine just started again," I shake my head, mainly speaking to myself. "It says that Maka can help me sometimes, and others it says she can be my first soul."

"It'll be okay," says Crona. "Maka's there for you, and you can't be a Kishin, Soul. You're too cool."

Did Crona just make a joke? I chuckle at the lanky pink-haired boy in front of me, "Thanks, Crona, I guess I was just scared."

"Don't be, things get better," he smiles again. "If nothing else, you get used to the pull of the Kishin and are strong enough to avoid it."

That's the part that scares me...


You guys get two A/N this time, aren't you just special?!

I'm apologizing in advance if I'm getting some details wrong, it's been forever since I watched the Anime and I'm just getting to the Manga now.

Five comments/suggestions for the next update!


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