Chapter 7--Soul and Maka

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Maka's Point of View


This cannot be happening! My thoughts scream, Soul looks warily at me while I glare at Stein.

My father's arms wrap around me awkwardly from the side, "I heard about your accident! How is my Maka?!"

"I'm fine, dad," I shrug out of his arms and find myself retreating behind Soul. I ignore the urge to hold his hand, which are once again hidden in his pockets, I search his eyes for help. I can't deal with my dad right now, I would much rather be at home, wrapped in Soul's arms. What has come over you?! My brain scowls at me, We need to figure out how to get back on the case with Calypso, not how to wrap ourselves in Soul.

Why should we worry about that? My heart chimes in, Dad will take care of it.

The only part of me that doesn't completely hate that man, and the only one that can afford being distracted this easily. I suddenly become aware that everyone is staring at me, did someone ask me a question? Crap.

"What?" I ask stupidly.

Soul grins his smug grin that I love, "I asked if you wanted to go to class?"

No! I want to go home! My heart screams as I lose myself in Soul's eyes, but my brain forces me to nod.


Soul's Point of View


What is up with Maka this morning? I ask myself as I direct her away from the obnoxious crowd of friends and family. I know how much she doesn't like seeing her dad, but still, at least she has one. Maybe that isn't it, she's been acting kind of weird since last night; maybe she still thinks we'll end up like her parents. Maybe we will...

No, we won't, I won't let us.

Maybe it's Calypso, maybe that's why she's been weird, I want to take her down so badly for almost taking Maka away from me. But I should also kind of be thanking her, if it weren't for her, Maka and I would still be just friends. Meister and Weapon, nothing more, ever.

As my thoughts wander, my hands knead deeper into my pockets until Maka draws me out of my thoughts.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asks sweetly.

I shake my head, "It's nothing, just thinking about you." I flash her my signature smirk, hoping she'll drop it there.

She smiles back, "I was just thinking how I don't want to be at school today."

Did Maka really just say that? My smile dissolves into a look of confusion and her face matches mine, she shakes her head as if she said nothing and keeps walking.

"So," she prompts herself, "We need to get ourselves back on the Calypso case."

"Maka," I start, gently. "I'm not going to lose you again, I can't physically take the pain."

She looks at me with a look of disbelief mixed with adoration, though the emotions contort her features, she still looks beautiful. "But, Soul--"

"No buts, Maka," I press a finger to her lips. "I know what you're going to say: I need her soul to complete my mission and blah, blah, blah. We can find another witch that didn't almost kill you."

"No, Soul, I need to prove to myself that I can beat her."

"But you can't, Maka," I say it as gently as I can muster.

"Excuse me?!"

"I mean you can't right now...?" I try to fix it, though I don't want to get back on the case in fear of losing her, I'm not losing her because I'm stupid.

"That's what I thought," she crosses her arms over her chest and nods her head once. "Let's get training."

"Maka, not yet." I say, hopeful.

"Why not?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'm not strong enough yet," I'm gripping the inner seams of my pockets as if they'll help me. "I could use a couple days to rest."

She looks at me as if I've lost it, but nods, "Fine."


Maka's Point of View


My head is spinning, my heart and brain are on such different levels I'm getting whiplash. That entire conversation was a battle neither of them were winning, Soul was.

He reaches his hand out of his pocket and traces my jawline, "Wanna go home?" He flashes his signature grin.

"What about class?" I ask, shocked. My heart leaps into my throat, Yes, let's go!

"We've missed almost a week already, what's another day?" he shrugs, the grin still playing with his lips. "And anyway, we don't have a case to worry about anymore."

"Fine," my brain finally lets my heart win. And with his hand reaching mine, I grin back.


What should the next chapter be about? PM me or comment(;

Love ya!


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