Chapter 21--Soul & Maka

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Soul's Point of View


As Maka nuzzles into the hug, something just feels wrong, and I hate touching her. I resist the urge to throw her out of my arms and just stand there for a second. What happened to her? I ask myself, I don't dare ask her because whatever's wrong wants to feel like a good actor. Little does it know, Maka is a terrible liar, she always has been.

I squeeze the imposter's arms once more before letting her go, "I'm going to go talk to Stein," I tell her. She nods weakly before turning back to the broken mirror. I look her up and down once more before turning away from her and leaving the room.

I walk to Professor Stein's office, hoping he's there. I open the door, releasing a wave of smoke that I choke on for a minute before entering. "Stein?"

"Soul," he nods, not looking up from whatever animal he's dissecting. "What can I do for you?"

"As you know, Maka's awake," I start gently, not wanting to face the reality myself. "But--"

"It isn't Maka," he cuts me off. "Yeah, I know."

"So, what do we do?" I lean against the door frame, trying to look cool despite how uncool I feel.

"I don't know yet," he shrugs, lighting a new cigarette and twisting the screw in his head. "What is it like?"

"Hostile," I say as simply as I can. "It thinks I'm fooled by it, that I think it's Maka."

"Have you agitated it in any way?"

"Well, I asked what happened to her while she was sleeping and it started crying. I thought it was Maka until I touched it, it definitely is not the Maka I love."

"So, there's no performing experiments on it to figure out what it is, but I'm guessing it's safe to say Maka is in there somewhere." He puts a finger to his chin, thinking. "Maybe we can appeal to Maka's thirst for knowledge," he looks at me and adds tentatively, "Sorry, but that's stronger than her love for you."

I shake my head, it doesn't hurt as bad as he thought it would. "I just want my Maka back."


Sorry for the super late and short chapter, been busy lately, but I'll try to get on here more. Please comment your thoughts on how this should go and if you're good I might add some smut(;

I haven't decided yet, cuz I've kept it pretty G so far and I don't know how good I am at writing that kinda stuff. And I don't know if you guys want that in this book... maybe? Let me know!


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