Chapter 6--Soul and Maka

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Soul's Point of View



Maka and I agreed not to tell anyone yet, though the point is probably null because Lord Death already knows. And after Tsubaki and Liz's 'girl talk' with Maka, they probably know as well. And Professor Stein...

"Why aren't we telling anyone again?" I ask Maka, we've been standing outside the school, noticing how different it looks now.

"Because, it's supposed to be against the rules for Meister and Weapon to have anything other than a platonic relationship," she says matter-of-factly, rolling her big green eyes in my direction.

I stuff my hands in my pockets, "But isn't it kind of moot?" I place my hand over hers, "I mean Tsubaki and Liz already knows, Professor Stein does, too--"

"Stein knows?!" She shrieks, I wait for the infamous Maka chop that doesn't come. "How does Stein know?"

"He suggested how to wake you up, Maka," I sigh. "And besides that, Kidd and Black Star probably know. They insisted I was the one to do it, they had to have some idea of how we feel about each other."

"So..." Her voice wonders off a cliff I didn't know was there, "We were the last ones to know we were meant for each other?"

"It would appear so," Stein says from behind us. We turn to find the familiar lab coat, glasses, and cigarettes smiling at us.

"Then what are we supposed to do now?" I ask.

"That would be for you two to decide, would it not?" He raises his eyebrow questioningly.

"So, you woke her up!" Black Star's voice suddenly booms around us, he approaches with Tsubaki, his hands cradling the back if his head. Tsubaki's hands are folded in front of her with a polite smile on her lips, Black Star doesn't stop until he stands right next to me. He grins and elbows me in the side, "How was it?"

There it was, with a light swish of the air, a book finds a home on Black Star's forehead. The grin on his face is replaced with a grimace, "Serves you right." Tsubaki mumbles, "It isn't our business."

"Well, even though it's lovely to see everyone is back to normal," Professor interjects. "We have to return our focus to Calypso, due to the recent events, Death and I have decided to take the both of you off the case." His glasses glint as he looks to Maka and I.

"What?" Maka shouts, "That is so not fair! We're the best team the academy has, you can't take us off of it!"

"Maka..." I take her face in my hands, "I almost lost you once, I'm not letting it happen again." The anger in her eyes visibly melts as she rolls them once more.

"Aren't you too cool to be showing people your feelings?" she whispers.

I suddenly remember how many eyes are on us and I retract my hands immediately and cough as I shove them into my pocket, "What are you talking about? Forget it, Stein, can Maka and I train harder to be placed back on the case?"

"No," his cigarette sags with his words, "We've decided none of the students will be perusing this matter. We put trained professionals on the case."

"Maka!" Oh, no... "My Maka!"

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