Chapter 18--Soul & Maka (Sleepover Part 2)

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Maka's Point of View


My ears are ringing, I can't hear anything. The room is spinning, why is the room spinning?! Soul? Help me! The darkness is coming again!


Soul's Point of View


Maka's eyes flutter closed while she drifts into unconsciousness in my arms, I turn to Kidd. My eyes fuming, my muscles clenching with adrenaline. I gingerly lay Maka down on the floor and stand to face him. The purple bruise on Maka's face darkening by the second.

I can actually see red. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Kidd looks terrified, and scorned to no extent. "Soul, I..."

"You didn't mean to hit her, right? You just wanted to try to steal her from me, it's okay." I yell sarcastically.

I loved this girl, so much, and someone I thought was my friend just hit her in the face.

I'm going to kill him...

Yes, Soul, do it... Come to me... My devil beckons.

I almost let the black blood consume me, but I turn back to Maka. Her still beautiful face a blackish-blue on the left side. She's swelling. And her nose is definitely broken.

"You are so lucky I love her more than I hate you right now," I snarl through gritted teeth. "I have to get her to the dispensary, now."

At DWMA...

"Stein!" I yell when I enter his office.

He appears from behind the stacks of papers on the desk, "No need to shout."

I shoot him a pointed look as he notices the unconscious Maka in my arms, then he takes in the bruise spreading across her face. Pure confusion colors his features, "What happened?" He asks.

"Kidd punched her," I growl, "Now help her!"

I ignore the furrowing of his brow as he shoves the paper off his desk, "Set her down here."

"What can I do?" I ask, panicked.

"Nothing," Stein says, flicking away his cigarettes. He only does that when shit is serious. Fuck... "I need you to take a walk," he looks me up and down. "And stay away from Kidd."

"Smart man..."

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