Chapter 10--Soul and Maka

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Maka's Point of View


By the amused look on Blair's face I know she can see the struggle going on inside myself, her stupid cat face makes me want to scream. Maybe this is what she wants, I think, what if she isn't trying to help me? But then another thought occurs to me, what if she was counting on you to think she's underhanded?

My thoughts argue for awhile before I come to the conclusion that I'm way overthinking this and if I want to take the potion, I have to take the stupid potion. So before my mind or my heart have any time to say anything, I take the cover off and let the sweet liquid slither down my throat.

You stupid girl! This is what Blair wanted, you're ruining everything for yourself! I can't believe you-- my brain was reprimanding me until suddenly it stopped, I wasn't stupid or anything, it just didn't bother me anymore.

Blair is meowing at my side in her cat form, her head tilted to the side in a question.

"Well, it worked," I shrugged. "I can't decide if that's good or bad, yet."

Without turning to her human form she nods once and proceeds to walk away, now I'm worried. I didn't give myself enough time to think and what if the voice in my head never comes back, that's only if you're truly happy, my heart reminds me. She's going to miss her fighting buddy just as much as I am.

That's when I realize just how much it hurts to think on my own with this stupid potion, but I have to make the most of it. If I am truly happy, I will learn to deal with--then I remember what Blair said, she'll come back but have no qualms. Or get much, much worse.

Let's make the best of it! My heart sings, confident once again in her ability to judge Soul and I's relationship.

I walk the short distance back to our apartment and smile up at the sun, which of course, smiles back at me. I open the door, hoping Soul will be in the living room, but he isn't. Maybe he's still napping, I think.

I tiptoe to his door and deliver a small knock before opening the door a crack, I know he's still upset with me, if he wasn't, he would be smiling and on the couch. There he is, absent of his shirt and normal sweatband, lying face down on his pillow, arms at his sides, his knees bent and his butt-end in the air. I laugh at myself, and idly wonder if he sleeps like this all the time or if it's only when he's napping.

I creep into his room, knowing that my brain would never let me do this if she was awake right now, I grin as I slip into the bed by Soul's side. He moves to get comfortable again and that involves his knees unbending, one arm sliding underneath his pillow and the other suddenly draping over me. My heart is fluttering with fear and excitement and the grin widens. I want to wake him up, but he looks so innocent when he sleeps. I wonder what he's dreaming about?


Soul's Point of View


The dream is perfect, at least what I remember is, I'm sitting at the piano playing a tune I know Maka loves. She stands next to me and hums along, her voice is rather awful, but she still radiates beauty. Her smile beams and makes me smirk back, I suddenly stop playing, she looks at me in confusion. But I can't tell her what's wrong because I don't even know, my arm feels weird, like someone's touching, but nothing's there. I shake it, the feeling still stays there, covering my whole arm. It's tingly, like when I touch Maka, but that can't be, I'm not touching her.

My eyebrows furrow, not sure what to make of the feeling, my eyelids flutter open and I find Maka underneath my arm and her emerald eyes staring into my ruby ones.

"Maka!" I say urgently, "What are you doing in here?" With just the thought of her in my bed, my nose begins to bleed, I wipe the droplet of blood away with my hand.

She giggles, "I wanted to cuddle, silly," she throws her arms around me and cuddles in close. "Cuddle with me."

I want to be doing a lot more than cuddling, but we both know that can't happen. "Maka," I whisper, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong, I'm wonderful," she kisses my bare chest.


"Soul, nothing's wrong," agitation creeping into her voice, "I took your advice and stopped thinking."

"What do you mean?"

"You worry too much," she whispers lifting her eyes level to mine and our lips meet.

I kiss her back, because I want this, I want this so badly. But I can't take it from her like this, something about her has changed from earlier and I need to figure out what it is.

I pull away, "What's wrong?" Maka asks, giddy, her eyes aglow with excitement.

She's radiating... Something... Something very un-Maka. "What happened to you on your walk?"

She shakes her head with a smile, "Nothing. I'm experimenting with not thinking," she presses her forehead to mine. "Now, why don't you do the same?"

Once again our lips meet, the shock igniting our souls, and this time I can't help it. I love her too much to pull away again, instead I pull her closer. She's leaning over me, against my chest, and without breaking the kiss she climbs to her knees. Putting one on either side of my waist, she lowers herself gently onto my lap. Her hands run greedily over my abdomen, feeling the scars there, she pulls away for a moment. A sad look on her face, then she lowers her face to each one of the three and kisses it softly.

"Maka..." I can't hide my love for her, and even if something about her is different, I have to take the chance that it's for the better, right? "I love you, so much."

"And I love you, with all my soul."

Our souls embrace, in a kind of resonance only this closeness can bring.


I don't even understand how that can be the last line of this chapter xD it seems so un-Soul, but it still fits.

Anyway, I wanted to get kinda dirty with this chapter, but decided I should keep it at least semi-clean until she gets her brain back. I have a really bad habit of resolving my problems too fast, which, by the way I almost did again. I'll save that for later, loves!(;

Love ya


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