The Proposal

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Hello All!

Here is a sneak peak of the first update of the one shot book I will be starting today! Please read it as this will be the last update of this  book. I will be adding. You have all been a great audience and a great support and I hope you all keep reading!

The main ships that will be included are:
- Soul and Maka
- BlackStar and Tsubaki
- Kidd and Crona

The side ships that have been suggested (so far) and I am happy to oblige are:
- Kidd and Liz
- Stein and Marie

Now, updates will be on a suggestion basis; meaning, once I start all of our normal ships, whatever I get suggestions for (for example, three Kidd and Crona chapters in a row or Soul and Maka followed by Kidd and Crona followed by BlackStar and Tsubaki followed by a random ship) are the chapters I write. This book WILL NOT continue without suggestions. This book is COMPLETELY reliant on all of you as an audience and the inspiration I feel from each suggestion.

(Feel free to suggest smut.)

I hope all of you are willing to help me out! The three main ships will exist in the same universe, the other ships outside those suggestions will not exist in the same universe, as some may be cheating.

This introductory author's note will also be present as the first chapter of our one shot novel, then I will update the main ships, starting those romances, and THAT is when you need to suggest.

Please feel free to contact me directly or comment on that chapter.

I love you all and I hope you keep reading!



Soul's Point of View


I stand in the jewelry store, my hands shoved deep in my pockets, gnawing on the skin of my cheek. I look around at all of the rings, terrified of how I'm going to ask her, what I'm going to say, whether or not she'll say yes.

God, you are so uncool, I think to myself. I shake my head, as a little old lady waddles over to me on the opposite side of the counter.

"Can I help you, young man?" She asks in a kind, shaky voice.

"I'm looking for a ring, for my girlfriend." I say, looking down at the display cases.

That's when I see it, the most beautiful ring I have ever seen and it reminds me so much of Maka and our relationship.

Without listening to what the older woman says, I point to the ring, "That one. That's the one I want." It's perfect.

Your Soul Belongs to Me (Soul & Maka)Where stories live. Discover now