Chapter 9--Soul & Maka

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Soul's Point of View


Our lips move together, lightning spreading between us. The heat is scalding, but neither of us wants to break the kiss. Why did it take me so long to realize how much I loved her? I ask myself through moments of insanity.

I think about all of the stuff we've been through, and the denial we must have shoved at every turn to keep our relationship platonic. Idiots. I smile against Maka's lips, my sharp teeth grazing them. Her mouth opens willingly, deepening the kiss further. Though our souls are still unbelievably connected I can feel her brain pull away, she really can't stop thinking for even a moment.

My ego is rather wounded and I pull away. "What is it?" she asks, her large emerald eyes sparkling.

"I can't be that good at kissing if you can still think," I can't keep the hurt from my voice, but it actually sounds comical.

She rolls her eyes, "You know I can't stop thinking. Even when I'm sleeping."

"So, what exactly are you thinking?" I try to smile, hoping she won't lie.

"All good things," my heart sinks a little.

"I could feel you pull away, Maka," I wince.

"It's just something I have to figure out, Soul." She tries to reassure me, "I have a war going on inside me," she must see the question on my face because she smiles, coyly. "It's a wonderful war to be fought, my heart is so happy... my mind just needs a little bit of time to catch up.

"Fine," I try to hide the pain. It's not a terrible effort, I fake a yawn. "I'm gonna go to bed," I climb to my feet, "Take all the time you need to catch up."


Maka's Point of View


My eyes follow Soul as he leaves the room, I feel a pang in my heart as she cries out for him. My brain is surprisingly okay with his leaving, And just when I thought I was winning.

I gradually rise to my feet, walking to my room, then realizing: I need some girl time.

"Soul," I call, secretly hoping he'll insist on coming with. "I'm going out."

I wait a minute, to see if he'll respond. Nothing. I open the door and walk to the street, hoping to find Tsubaki, somewhere on my way to the school. I hear a meow instead, I groan inwardly.

"Hiya!" Blair mews as she comes to human form next to me.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"What's wrong, crabby?" She acts wounded. "Where's my Death Scythe?"

"He isn't yours!" The growl escapes my lips and it takes me a second to realize the sentence came from my head.

"Ooh," she purrs, "Someone's touchy."

"Just leave," I beg, "I have some stuff to sort out, stuff that you won't help with."

"Try me," she plops onto a stone wall next to the street we're walking on and wraps her long arms around her knees.

I sigh, "I can't believe I'm going to tell you this. It's Soul and I," I whisper begrudgingly.

"You guys are finally together?!" She explodes next to me and I nearly jump out of my skin.

"Yeah, and now I can't just let myself be happy."

"Hmm," she purrs once again. "I can help you with that."


"Your brain needs a break," she shrugs. "Let me give it to you." She holds out her palm, says a couple words I wouldn't be able to pronounce if I wanted to and a bottle materializes in her hands. "Here, this will calm your thoughts and give your heart a chance to speak."

"Why are you doing this for me?" I ask, genuinely curious, "We don't even like each other."

"Everyone deserves happiness, silly," she giggles. "Even if you did kill me once, we can be friends."

"Uhh, thanks."

"There is one catch," she said, Of course there is. "The potion will work for a couple days, and if while it's working your life is perfect, it will stay that way. Your mind will wake up, but it will be at peace with the rest of your feelings. If you aren't truly happy, your brain will wake up, much worse than it was when it went to sleep. Because it will know that it was correct."

And then both my heart and mind agree, they want me to take it. But part of me still says no, what should I do?

I really can't talk to Soul about this, but he's the only one I want to ask.


All right guys! Does she take it? Or should she destroy it?

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Love ya(;


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