Your Soul Belongs to Me (Soul & Maka)

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Maka's Point of View


There she is, the Witch Calypso, God she's so smug sitting on her broom a smirk playing on her lips. I can't believe she's here, with Soul in Scythe-form in my hands, we attack. Our souls connected completely as we advance, being his Meister has made me stronger. We strike at the witch with all we have, though she isn't reacting.

When we swipe the air she inhabits, she speaks. "Hurricane Drill."

A viscous attack whips at Soul and I and I feel the harsh wind around me. The realization hits me harder than the blow, "You're the one who has been causing all the storms." I say, mostly to myself, but Calypso's grin is confirmation enough.

"This town is so dry," she says innocently, "I only wanted to add a little water, is that so bad?"

"Go, Maka!" Soul urges as we press forward, I strike the pavement in a strong motion making my next advance that much stronger, we reach Calypso and as I bring Soul down toward her, she uncovers her left eye. It's darkness surrounded by black where it's supposed to be white. I'm shocked, but my attack continues.

"Siren sleep," escapes from her lips before I can bring the blow to completion.

I'm blown back in a gust if air, and my eyes slowly close, losing the sight of her and Soul as I hit the ground and black out.


Soul's Point of View


As soon as Maka's hand leaves my handle I return to human form. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest.

"Maka?" I say urgently to her sleeping form, "Maka!"

"Foolish weapon," Calypso laughs. "She's never going to wake up."

"Maka, wake up," I say, ignoring the witch's voice in my ear. "I know you aren't dead I can see you breathing, now stop being lazy and wake up!"

Calypso laughs again, "'Siren Sleep,' your little scythe girl is as good as dead. She should have minded her own business."

"You--!" I scream, I want to fight her, but without my Meister I'm helpless. I look back to Maka's sleeping form, please, Maka, wake up, I think. I look at Calypso with hatred, and back to Maka with pure helplessness. Tears finally reach my burning eyes, "Maka..."


In the Dispensery...

Professor Stein stands over Maka, "Hmm..."

I stand with Crona, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patti, and Kidd awaiting his decision. "What's going to happen now?..." With no reply, I speak again, "Professor...?"

He doesn't speak for a long while, and finally, what seems like an eternity later he speaks. "Her pulse is stable, her breathing is fine, what worries me though..." His voice leaves the prompt hanging in the air like the cigarette from his mouth.

"What?" I urge, Crona brings in a questioning noise on his breath.

"Her soul..." He pauses for a moment, but to me it feels like forever. "Because of Calypso's curse, it has fallen asleep as well. It is unclear what is going through her mind at the moment."

Soon, in an accepted state of helplessness, most of us file out of the room until only Crona and I remain. He rests a rose on her chest, with a sigh.

"You really like her, huh?" I delicately ask, resting a hand on Maka's shoulder. My Meister...

"Uh-huh," Crona answers, smiling softly at Maka's sleeping form. "She was my first friend... She saved me."

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