Chapter 34: The Queen is Back, Baby!

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C,mon, Gloria, I thought to myself. Get up.

I took a hiccuping breath. Trying to stand on my own two legs proved difficult. First, I was just to tired and slid back down. Second, my legs shook as I tried to right myself, but fell on my face. Third, I finally managed, but had to stand and breath for a few seconds. I shook my head, trying to get my brain clear and working.

Alright, we just had a minor breakdown but that's fine! We just have to get up and move on, there's work to be done!

I turned to face the gold doors, which on this side showed overflowing jugs of water. I breathed in and out, wiping my eyes with the back of my hoof. Pushing open the door to my right, I poked my head out into the hall. There was nopony in sight, which was a relief. I wasn't quite ready to talk to anypony just yet. I moved quickly out into the corridor, it was colder out here and I shivered. The sun was shining but winter still managed to freeze everything up. I began trotting towards the room in which dwelled the party planners, well, during work hours I had no idea where they really resided. The frost on the windows slowly started to melt, casting water droplets to slide slowly down the glass. It was a wonderful morning and my spirits slowly started their long climb out of their dark pit of dismay. I breathed, crisp air filling my lungs, then leaving.

Ok, business, time to get down to business.

I quickened my pace down the hall. I turned left, then down a flight of white marble stairs, and into the entrance hall. The entrance hall was the first thing you saw, as you opened the two bronze doors of the castle. It was lined with tall, straight stained glass windows and crystal ( yes crystal ) pillars. The windows each portrayed a different leader of El Turnia. First, rearing up on her hind legs was my great grandmother, Lamia. Her golden pelt was sparkling and her blue and cyan hair was in a flowing braid. I diverted my eyes from this one, it hurt to see someone so beautiful but so poisoned. The next was of my grandmother, Sunbeam. She stood on the edge of a cliff, staring forward, the sun right behind her head.

It looks as if she's wearing a crown of light.

Then, was my mother. My wonderful, wonderful mother. Her yellow pelt and sunset main glowing and her blue eyes shining. She sat, front legs folded butterflies surrounding her.

I love you mom, and I miss you.

I didn't really want to look at the last two, but I made myself. Christilia came first, the moon above her head, resting her hoof on a jut of purple crystal, her head upwards, staring at the stars.

She's beautiful in every way, even in a window.

Then lastly, but probably least, me. I stared up at my face. I stood dramatically, facing forward. A sword was stuck in the ground in front of me and flames scorched behind. The sun, was hot and burning above me, but a golden crown rested on my head.

I look.... strong. Stronger than I am now, that's for sure. Then something in my mind lit up. A something that I hadn't felt or thought in years. The feeling of importance, the true intake of all that I have done. Of all that I am. I am the queen! I am a queen! And I have work to do!

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