Chapter 6: Danger and Friends

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I feel as if I'm always in danger from the moment I open my eyes in the morning till I close them at night. Danger was what I felt everyday, getting closer and closer. There was a storm brewing, a dangerous one that would only bring pain. I could sense it in the back of my mind like a nagging reminder that it was coming and that I couldn't stop it. Was it the Time Warper, the time bending villain that could make the sky crumble, or was it Lunacy, the empress of chaos who roamed her land of nonsense ready to turn our world upside down?, I wasn't sure but I was afraid, very afraid. If the danger struck now my world would crumble with nopony to protect it, it was a danger Queen Sunbeam couldn't face and neither could my father and me? I was barely ready to rule a kingdom let alone conquer a villain. I wished I had somepony to talk to and to share my troubles with, I wish I had a friend- I stopped, there was somepony I could talk to after all.

"Christilia!" I cried as my friend strode towards me.

"Gloria! It is so good to see you!" she said as she embraced me. "We haven't been together in ages!"

"I know!" I said thankful that she was here.

Then her eyes looked into mine.

"But you didn't bring me here for a reunion, did you?" she said skeptically. "What's your real reason?"

"It's a long story." I started slowly. "But we should talk somewhere else I don't want to draw any attention."

Christilia looked confused, but followed anyways.

"Are you sure?" Christilia questioned. "Could it just be affects from when your- you know what I mean."

"I know it's real, like somepony is trying to warn me." I said desperately. I was starting to panic, I really needed Christilia to believe me.

"Alright, ok, I believe you, but if you want to figure anything out I suggest you calm down first." she said.

"Calm down!? Calm down!?" I shouted. "How can I calm down!?"

"Well first take a breath and then let it out." Christilia said patiently. "Then collect your thoughts and figure out what to do."

I breathed in and then out, collecting my thoughts I said:

"Wow! That works! How'd you get so smart?"

"I read a lot!" she replied.

"I'm glad you're here." I admitted. "I bet together we can find the answer in no time!"

"We can't find the answer... and it's been five hours." I said flatly.

"Maybe it's not real, like I said it could just be flashbacks." Christilia replied sleepily.

"WHAT!?" I yelled. "No! I've told you it's not, do you really believe me!"

"Well.. I do... but I don't want to." she looked at me and I could tell what she was thinking.

"I'll be fine." I said untruthfully. "I'll be fine."

El Turnia: Becoming Fire *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now