Chapter 40: All Hail Eclipse

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I yelled through my bind, I had to stop her.

What do I do!

If the kingdom wasn't falling down and I was alone, I would probably be crying right about now. I was scared, so so scared, I didn't think I could win this. This might be the.. the end. No gods or girlfriends were here to help me, I was alone in this fight, for the first time nopony was coming to save me.

You can't do this.

I tried my hardest to push out the doubt that clouded my mind, making it hard to think. I stared up at Lamia, it was quite strange, the sight before me. She seemed to be... meditating? I wasn't honestly sure, but it chilled me.

"FINALLY! I CAN BEGIN!" Lamia shouted out of the blue.

She lifted Christilia's horn to the tall arched ceiling of the throne room. She closed her eyes and slowly her horn began to glow, a soft white light that grew brighter and brighter.

What is happening?!

Her eyes flew open, they were white and glowing just like her horn, and that wasn't all, suddenly she started ascending into the air.

What the-

Her hooves lifted off the carpeted platform and for awhile she just hung, seemingly lifeless. Then she slowly opened her mouth, and out came a slow quiet scream that rose to a roar. Screaming she seemed to be covered completely in light, she drew her legs inward so she was just a ball. It was.. kind of beautiful. I stared in petrified awe, I was terrified but in amazement also! Then the orb of light began spinning, rotating into a blur, and as I stared up a sudden sense of undeniable fear spread over my bones. Everything was glowing the light was spreading over the room and the earth. I shut my eyes burying them in my hooves.

Stop being such a coward! Just look!

I lifted my head, the light was slowly gathering up, sinking back into the orb and then-


The light shot out in a blast, pushing me back, the force was enough that my binds evaporated! I stumbled up and saw Lamia rearing back in the air spreading her long wings, her very, very long wings. I looked up at Lamia, her figure was all black, the light was still to bright. I planted my hooves on the ground, ready to stand strong and face my new enemy. Slowly the dark figure descended till her hooves lightly brushed the carpet and she stood, firm and menacing. I blinked rapidly as the light receded back into nowhere.

"Oh! Oh my! This is much better, me goodness!" Lamia was laughing and twirling around to take in the new her.

I stared.

Oh, wow.

The sight in front of me was something ponies looking for love only dreamed about! A tall dark purple alicorn stood where Lamia had been, moments before. Her eyes were sharp and with the brightest glowing purple I'd ever seen and her pupils were slits. Her teeth were white and sharpened to cutting points like fangs. Her mane was woven into a braided bun, but her tail swirled, colored like the cosmos but ending in red as the sunset. Her horn was long, her wings wide with blue, white and purple feathers all neat and untouched. A white, pointed crown sat neatly upon her head, set with shimmering purple and red sapphires. The alicorn walked slowly down the steps, draped in pink lace and pearls.

"Now I really do look fantastic, don't I?" she seemed to ask the room.

I was spellbound in a sort, I was frozen in fear but also awe. But I focused, now was not the time!

"Who.. who are you?" I asked, sharpening my gaze. I tried to keep my voice firm and suspicious.

The new pony smiled her sharp teeth glittered, then she tipped her head to the side as a bird does when trying to gaze upon the sky.

"I... don't know!" her eyes widened spreading her long black lashes. "I suppose I'll just have to find one! After all, I can't keep calling myself Christilia or Lamia! Those are awful and incredibly boring!"

I hissed, angrily

"I for one think Christilia is a wonderful name, you warped, crazy, old-"

"Oh shut up!" the alicorn sighed. "Honestly! You royals are so whiny!"

Her horn began to glow and before you could say 'pony' I was bond at the mouth one more.

Oh, come on!

"That's better!" she trilled and pranced over to the throne room window.

I watched her stare out at the sky, I couldn't see her face but I knew she was smiling.

"Eclipse," her voice was soft. "Now that! Is an excellent name!"

Not really..

Eclipse laughed suddenly, shrill and cold. I wasn't exactly sure why she was laughing but it was pretty annoying that villains kept doing that. She turned her head to glance at me, the red light from outside shining in her eyes.

"Immh gonuhnh shtopth wouth!" I growled, muffled by the bind again.

"Mmhm," Eclipse said, her voice positively dripping with sarcasm. "How exactly? Could you remind me?"

She smiled as I glared at her.

"Oh right!" she put her hoof over her mouth. "You can't!"

She laughed, once more annoying me, and turned from her position at the window to come towards me.

"You know, Gloria, I'm almost certain you know this but, you're time is over! This is the end of your overly long rein!" she put her face close to mine so I could feel her cold breath on my coat.

"Ifh woulgng beff sof surerth ifth I werethh wouth!" I replied.

"Hmm? What was that?" Eclipse asked. "Hold on."

Quickly with a wave my bind disappeared.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you!" I shouted at her face.

"But you're not me! And I don't care what you say! I'm going to crush you like a bug in the end!" Eclipse lifted her head to smirk down at me.

Her eyes were halfway closed in a sharp glare, her smile was twisted, sharp.

"I hate you." I snarled.

"Well I do too! Now remind me, why are you still trying to act better than me, when I'm the one with the ultimate power?" Eclipse asked.

I growled and then without thinking I spit. Right in her stupid, sparkly face. Eclipse blinked rapidly, shocked as my saliva slid down her cheeks. I stepped back, that was probably not my best idea. Eclipse's face twisted, her eye twitched, her lips pursed.

"You little BRAT!" Eclipse reared up, her front hooves flying above my face before crashing down on my head.

I fell backward, my hooves tripping over each other as stars swirled in my eyes.

Yeah, not my best idea....

I felt my body falling and the ceiling flickered until the lights in my mind clicked off and it all... went... dark.

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