Chapter 44: Last One Standing

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I stared as the bloodbath continued, Lunacy had gone crazy, slicing and biting at any spot of Eclipse she could attack. Eclipse on the other hoof was now using magic, blasting fire every time Lunacy was in range. A good 20 minutes later and they were both looking the part of this battle. I, meanwhile, had no choice but to watch these two duke it out, seeing as I was trapped. This was not the best day of my life, although it didn't really top the first. The day I killed my father, Christilia came close to death, and my grandmother disappeared.
I wondered where Queen Sunbeam was right now, I didn't believe her to be deceased. Time Warper would have never told me anything true, he's evil!

Or at least he was he's gone now.

I scowled down at the two fighting monsters in front of me. I hated both of them, for what they did and were doing. I already knew I needed to stop Eclipse and now Lunacy? This was impossible, my only hope is that one of them killed the other. That would mean only one to deal with, making my job a heck of a lot easier. But the two opponents seemed to be at an equal spot on the scale of battle, one had yet to be overpowered.

Well, at least I have entertainment as my world burns down around me.

A roar pulled my rocketing out of my thoughts, I turned my gaze, quickly, to the fight below. Lunacy was pinned once more, Eclipse had her strapped to the ground. Purple binds thick and restraining glowed over Lunacy's chest and disappeared into the earth.

Been there,

I smiled, fun to see an enemy trapped as I had been.

"How's it going?" I asked, sarcasm clearly in my tone.

Lunacy snarled. "Great, thanks."

I laughed. "Glad to hear it!"

I turned to Eclipse who was pacing an oval in the dust around Lunacy.

"How 'bout you?" I taunted.

"Shut your mouth!" the Alicorn snapped.

"Just checking in! No need to get grumpy!"

I pretended to be offended, Eclipse snorted. She then turned her focus back to Lunacy.

"Now, ready to join me? I think it would be a good idea to say yes," Eclipse released Lunacy's binds.

Lunacy clutched her chest, remembering quite a few of her ribs were not intact.

"Hmm," Lunacy scratched her chin. "Oh yeah. No."

Eclipse shook her head in disappointment. Making a sharp clicking noise with her tongue she reapplied the ropes and the Dragonequues was trapped.

"UUGHH!!! REALLY?!?!" Lunacy shouted.

"Now ya know how I feel." I smirked down at her.

Lunacy rolled her yellow eyes.

"Time to deal with my other problem," Eclipse rounded on me.

She waved her horn, whispering the incantation to release me.

"That was a very stupid idea!" I said, flying up as my charm dissipated. "Why not just kill me when I was trapped, you moron!"

Eclipse groaned. "Of course."

Unfortunately Eclipse spent only a short second in regret before taking off and flying towards me.

Here we go again!

I flipped backwards, soaring under her, then flying upwards I gained the high grou-sky. I rammed myself into Eclipse's back, sending her twisting downward, before she hit the ground I grabbed her. I shot binds out of my horn, yellow ropes wound around my opponent. Eclipse struggled as she fell, with a thud she hit the gravel path.

"HAH!! PAYBACK!" I yelled to her and with my enemies secure, I took off.

I'd had an idea whilst I was hanging, the way to defeat Eclipse and Lunacy. The Tokens of Peace were kept locked away in the deepest parts of the castle, on my orders. Looking back that wasn't my brightest idea, since getting to them quickly was now difficult.

Let's just hope I remember the code to the vault.

I flew up and around, till I spotted the hole in the throne room roof. I dipped down and reappeared in the place where it all went down. Sunrise and Silver were gone, hopefully getting everypony to safety, so I was alone. I shivered, the morning was cold and I without any covering. I headed out of the throne room and trotting quickly made my way down to the library. I decided to keep the Tokens locked up in the secret 'bigger on the inside' storage unit. Where I had first discovered Time Warper's coming attack all those years ago.

It's seems like 100, it's only been 23 years,

I engaged myself in my thoughts as I galloped down the halls. The library was one of the biggest places in the palace, even without the giant secret room. All the books ever written were stored on its shelves, anything you wanted to know there would be information woven into the pages of an encyclopedia. Every queen of El Turnia was supposed to spend months in the royal library, studying and learning the ways of diplomacy and peace. Of course, I'd never done this, seeing as I'd been mostly fighting the entire time I was supposed to occupy a throne. And with the exclusion of Lunacy and Eclipse, I was almost certain I was doing everything right.

Or am I?

Now that I thought back on it, I felt as if parts of my life were missing, like somepony had torn out pages from my story.

I guess all that time spent fighting, I never got to experience what a normal life is like. Is it too late now?

Maybe not, if I saved Christilia and stopped Eclipse, I could start a new chapter. The kingdom could have piece, I might be able to have a family! Me and Christilia could adopt foals, heirs to the throne, our children. I pushed that thought away, if I got my hopes up it would hurt more if it never came true.

Firsts things first! Got to get those tokens!

I galloped towards the library, leaving all hope of a happy life behind me.

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