Chapter 18: Strange Events

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Night fell as we bid farewell to our guests and I was relieved that there had been no more fights after Christilia had her say. Christilia yawned.
"Well I think I'll turn in! See you tomorrow!"
"Goodnight!" I called after her.
I smiled. I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be perfect. After all that I felt like we could handle anything! I mean what could go wrong?

My eyes flew open and I sat up abruptly.
What was that?
"Madam, please calm down it is not the apocalypse!" I heard Falcon, my advisor, speaking to whoever had just been yelling about the apocalypse.
"THE PANCAKES WILL KILL US ALL!" the voice screamed again.
I scrambled out of bed. Rushing down the hall I found an exhausted Falcon, a confused guard, and a hysterical cook.
"What the what?" I exclaimed. "What's going on here?"
Falcon looked relieved to see me.
"Blueberry Muffin here claims that I pancake just tried to murder her." she said exasperatingly.
"IT TRIED TO KILL ME! I SAW THE TEETH! I SWEAR!" Blueberry screamed.
"Teeth?" I asked.
A pancake with teeth? What is happening?
Blueberry Muffin gave a dramatic sigh and fainted. I nodded to the guard and he took her away to the nurses station, finally I looked over to Falcon.
"Take me to this pancake." I said.
Falcon nodded and headed for the kitchen doors. When we entered I could see that Blueberry had put up a fight and a big one. There was pancake batter everywhere and there were several bowls lying broken on the ground. Making sure not to step on any bowl shards I slowly made it over to the oven to see one pancake lying on the ground with a knife sticking through it.
Huh weird.
I lifted it up and through the yellow glow of my aura I could see that Blueberry had been right. Sharp fangs stuck out of it at odd angles forming what looked to be a mouth.
"My word!" Falcon shrieked. "What is that?!"
"I think the proper question is what DID that." I turned the pancake over and looked all around the kitchen but I didn't see anything that could have caused a pancake to grow fangs.
What is happening?
"What in Sunbeam's name?" Christilia said entering the room and staring around. "Is that-"
"A pancake that somehow managed to grow teeth?" I finished. "Yes, yes it is."
"Where'd it come from?" she asked bewildered.
"We have no idea." Falcon and I said in unison.
"What will we do with it?" she asked.
"Well... anypony want a pancake?" I asked holding out the limp breakfast food.
The two ponies just stared at me.
"I didn't think so!" I said tossing the pancake over my shoulder where in landed with a smack on the kitchen floor.

Evening fell and we still didn't have any answers about the murderous breakfast. We'd sent in down to our most trusted scientists and physicians, but even they had no idea about its origin and in the end we decided to blow it up... and then burn it's ashes... and then toss the remains of the blown up ashes into a time vortex for good measure.
"Do you think it was Lunacy?" Christilia asked quietly as we stared out at the evening sky from the shelter of our balcony.
"Hmm?" I asked.
"Lunacy, you know, the empress of chaos?" Christilia said matter of factly. "This is just the type thing she would do."
"Make a pancake grow teeth and attack a cook?" I asked bewildered.
Christilia raised her eye brows.
"Yep. Sounds like her." I shrugged.
"But why now?" Christilia wondered aloud. "Why just one pancake?"
"Lunacy may be crazy, but she's not stupid. She's made a distraction for us to deal with while she plans her attack!" I pointed out.
Christilia just bit her lip nervously.
"I'm sure she's not though!" I added quickly.
There has to be some sort of explanation besides that because we really don't need a another returning villain right now!

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