Chapter 22: I Need to Forgive

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I felt bad... scratch that I felt REALLY bad. I still thought my idea had been fine and why risk an entire kingdom for a lunatic villain? But all the things I said to Christilia? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she never spoke to me again and I deserved worse. I hung my head in shame. My bedroom seemed to grow in around me and I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to break down and sob into my sheets, I wished Christilia could be here now but I knew she wouldn't be. I shook myself.
Stay strong Gloria! You need to stay strong!
I raised my head and took a long calming breath as I did the walls shrunk away once again and I breathed a sigh of relief. I got up and walked slowly out to my balcony just as Christilia walked out on to hers to raise the moon and as it rose high in the sky I knew this was my chance.
"Christilia!" I shouted.
She turned, saw me and immediately turned back around and walked back into the castle.
"No wait! Don't go!" But it was too late, she was gone.
Splendid. Just splendid.
I sighed and turned around to go back in.
Was that Christilia!
"HANG ON! I'M COMING!" I shouted.
I jumped off the balcony catching the wind with my wings and flew as fast as I could towards her bedroom, I immediately started running when I landed and crashed into her room. There was nopony there!
"Christilia?" I said quietly. "Hello?"
"Hello?" I said again. "Anypony!"
I looked around, I looked up, I looked down, and sideways, and any ways possible of looking. When I found nothing I began to panic. "Where is she?" I wondered out loud.
"I'm right here, idiot."
I spun around. Christilia crept out from her hiding place.
"Hiding in a closet is not as easy as you'd think!" she said brushing dust off her coat.
"WUT!" I said in utter bewilderment.
"I wanted to know if you really still cared about me so I pretended to be in trouble to see what you'd do! And I got positive results!" she smiled mischievously.
"Are you kidding me!" I shouted outraged. "I thought you were dying!"
"Well I wasn't and here I am!" she said.
I let out a low growl. Christilia didn't act or even pretend to act sorry, she just looked at me with defiance.
"So I guess you care about me?" she asked raising her eyebrows.
I stood up, turned around, and walked towards the door. At the exit I stopped and turned my head around to look at Christilia.
"I care about everypony."
And the I turned back around and strode down the hall.
You need to forgive!
Said a tiny voice in my ear.
No! Don't show weakness!
Said another more threatening voice.
Kindness is not a weakness!
Argued the first.
Kindness manipulates!
Shouted the second.
It does not! It-
"AARRGH!" I growled slamming my head against the wall.
Pain throbbed through my skull and I yelped.
I sighed, rubbing my forehead I looked up at the ceiling as if all my answers would be there.
"What do I do now!" I shouted to nopony.
"What you know is the right thing!" a soft voice whispered in my mind.
"Mother!?" I yelped in surprise. "Is that you? Where are you?"
No answer.
Of course that's not her! Why would it be, it's just a stupid memory!
But somehow I didn't believe that it was just a stupid memory and her kind words rang in my mind.
What you now is the right thing...
I looked back at Christilia's room and nodded.
I need to forgive!

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