Chapter 46: It's Not Over, Not One Bit

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QUICK FUN FACT: Lamia in Greek mythology is the name of an evil spirit who captures and consumes children! The name also means vampire in Latin. Had no idea about this while naming the character but it worked out!
And Gloria is the anglicized form of the Latin feminine given name gloriae (Latin pronunciation: ['gloːria]), meaning immortal glory; glory, fame, renown, praise, honor.

I didn't like this. It felt as if I was flying towards hell itself and that is not a good feeling. I'd returned to the hole in the throne room and was now soaring closer and closer to my enemies. I had the silver chest tucked safely against my chest, keeping it secure my right hoof as I flew. The Statue Garden loomed ever nearer as I dipped down, my chest tightening in fear. The only thing that wasn't frightening was that Eclipse's eclipse had gone, now the sun shone brightly down.

That's reassuring I guess..

My doubts still clung to me like dew to a flower, even the warm light couldn't melt them away. I alighted on the ground, touching the gravel path with my back hooves then dropping down into a wobbly three legged stance. I looked around, Lunacy was still bound and struggling, but Eclipse was...

"Gone?! Seriously?!" I stomped my hoof in anger.

In reality, I hadn't truly expected Eclipse to remain trapped in my absence, but still, it was worrying. I spun about, now holding the silver chest in the glow of my magic. Dust swirled up as I turned, scanning the sky and ground.

"Show yourself!" I shouted, angered and frightened all at once. "Are you a coward, Eclipse?"

There was no reply. Then a chilling breeze crept over me, I felt as if some invisible force was suffocating me from far away. I stood my ground, wind blew the dust around me hooves, a howl, not from wolves, wove through the trees.

"I think the question is... are you?"

Gosh darn it!

I spun around, there was Eclipse, perfectly calm and waiting.

"Hello again." I growled.

Eclipse just smiled that creepy, creepy smile, it wasn't even from happiness! She was just trying to look more scary, I was used to it by now, all the many villains I'd encountered did the same. Eclipse continued to stand, neatly outlined by the green shrubs behind her. I stood and stared her straight in the eyes. I was not about to let her win, this was my kingdom!

"What do you want, Eclipse?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, questioningly.

"What do I want?" Eclipse pointed to herself, exaggerating. "What do you think I want?"

I sighed. "To kill me and take over the world for no specific reason whatsoever?"

Eclipse smiled, her teeth unnaturally sharp and white. "Exactly, now I'm going to do just that."

I'd barely shot up into the sky before a blaze of blue light hit the ground where I had stood, moments before. My heart was leaping in my chest as I hovered in the air. I wasn't allowed time to recover, however, before another blast rocketed towards me.

"Praesidium!" I shouted.

A force field from my horn flew up in front of me. The 'bullet' bounced off the shield and crashed into the ground below, leaving a big, black, smoking crater. Eclipse soared to the sky, joining me in the air. I flipped backward, mane whipping and snapping. I flew towards me enemy, she rocketed towards me. We clashed, sun behind us, wings out, fangs and teeth bared. I began to kick and head butt, not really having a strategy. Eclipse was more refined.

"Sorry your little tokens are gone! Now you certainly have no chance!" Eclipse cackled, striking me with her horn.

I froze as another blow was landed.

The tokens... oh god.

That blast, it hadn't hit me, it hit my one chance of victory.

No, nonononono!!

Panic hit me like a tidal wave. It was all over, I was hopeless. I hovered limply in the air stricken and horrified, what do I do? I didn't have enough power to fight Eclipse! My mind was imploding, thoughts and emotions were screaming in my brain, blocking out the outside world.

"Oh no," my voice was hollow, shaken.

Eclipse reared back in the air with laughter. She found this whole ordeal quite amusing.

"Oh no indeed!" Eclipse wheezed, clutching her chest. "You are a complete failure! How the hell have you not died?! You're a moron!"

She continued to laugh, it was so loud it filled my ears but didn't sink into my mind. I couldn't look at her, I couldn't say a defense, I couldn't move. My stupidity had become the fire that destroyed the world, the prophecy was wrong. I wasn't the next best Queen was the next worst one! I felt like crumpling into a ball and screaming into the void, this was the last straw. Maybe I was overreacting, but when you've been around the block like I have, you'd do the same. I was just so.... mad.

I blinked, the world stopped.

Everything was falling.

And then I saw it.

In the dark, a tiny. speck. of light.

I breathed, but no breath would come.

There was no sound, just the light... and the dark.

It was all fast, but slow.

And then, the grew bigger and bigger. I watched it envelop me, I felt it cover my bones, sink into my pelt. It was mine. Lamia hurt me, she did so many things to break me down. Eclipse's words finally reached my brain.

How the hell have you not died?!

Most heroes in stories would say it was those around them or the magic inside. But me? I had no freaking idea.

"It's over Gloria!"

Eclipse was still laughing and oh my stars I really wanted to shut her up. Then, before I knew it, words flew to my lips.

"It's not over." I said, my voice firm. "Not. one. bit."

Then I struck her, right in the face, my horn digging deep into her head. Blood covered my horn tip and Eclipse was screaming. I felt flames close to my face. My mane felt hot, and powerful. My eyes glowed, shining light in enemies eyes.

I had become... fire.

El Turnia: Becoming Fire *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now