Chapter 43: A Twist, What a Surprise!

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Eclipse, her coat is really purple but all my violet markers were too dark

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Eclipse, her coat is really purple but all my violet markers were too dark.

Eclipse, her coat is really purple but all my violet markers were too dark

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If Lamia decided to possess Gloria instead.


I cowered in my levitation spell, I wasn't ready to go! I couldn't go.

"Please don't kill me, Lunacy!" I pleaded. "I swear I'll help you, I can help you! I'll free you of her! She's the one who got you imprisoned, just think back! She made you do it!"

"Ugh! Do you ever shut up?" Eclipse growled. "Lunacy won't listen to you!"

"You hear that!" I turned to the Dragonequues. "She makes your decisions for you, Lamia's trying to control you!"

I wasn't often one to try to talk to my enemies, negotiating wasn't my go to tactic in war. But, it was life or get murdered by a fluffy dragonthing with razor teeth. My options were sort of limited!

"Lunacy! Don't listen to her!" Eclipse laughed. "She's crazy!"

But Lunacy didn't reply, she stared into my eyes, yellow meeting green.

"Do you take me as some sort of clown?" Lunacy bared her teeth.

I thought she was speaking to me, but she spun on Eclipse, unsheathing her claws.

Eclipse stifled a gasp. "Wha-What do you mean?"

"I mean I just got out of my stone prison and you want me to do you bidding!" Lunacy waved her paw in exasperation.

"I never said that! Now, get out of this... fuddle your in and help me!"

"You just proved my point!" Lunacy leaned closer to Eclipse. "I'm not going obey your nonsense you prick!"

Eclipse looked more angry than when I had promptly spit in her face. "So you're just going to join her side then?"

Eclipse jabbed her pearled hoof at my hanging figure, I smirked.

"No, but I ain't joining yours!" Lunacy raised her paw threateningly.

Eclipse dodged the blow and skidded to the side.

Holy crud! It actually worked! Lunacy's rebelling, but she still sees me as an obstacle!

This wasn't over, I still needed to convince Lunacy do not rip me in half and spread my blood across the city.

"Look, I get it you just got out of you're prison, you're upset!" Eclipse placed her hoof upon her chest. "But please! You don't want to do this!"

Lunacy put her claws on her hips. "Did I say I didn't want to?"

Eclipse was seriously looking worried now. "Umm, well I... suppose you didn't, no."

"Exactly." Lunacy's tone was firm and final.

"Well I guess there's just one more thing to do then." Eclipse lowered her head.

I gulped. Eclipse suddenly screamed and launched herself at Lunacy, toppling her over.

"I gave you power! I'D LIKE TO HAVE IT BACK!"

Lunacy roared as Eclipse stabbed her horn into the monster's arm. But the Dragonequus wasn't done for, she sliced her claw across Eclipse's left ear, tearing it to pieces. Blood spattered the ground, clotting the dusty gravel into clumps.

This escalated more quickly than the Manticore Scrummage of '49!

Eclipse's pupils grew thin and sharp, she pummeled her creations chest, the crack of bones sounded across the garden. Lunacy gasped blood flew from her mouth, lightly spattering Eclipse's face. It wasn't a lot of sanguinary fluid, but still disturbing to see Lunacy weakened by my new enemy. This wasn't going well, if Lunacy couldn't fight Eclipse, how could I?

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