Chapter 41: Sunrise and Silver, Heroes in the Making

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"Uuunnhh..." I moaned, my head hurt like fire and my left eye felt hot.

This was not good, my eyes weren't even open and a sense of fear was already spreading over me like a tidal wave.

Come on eyes! Open gosh darn it! Open!

My eyes flew open, my pupils dilating to a normal size. The throne room swam before me, swaying back and forth in my vision. Wait, the room wasn't swaying! I was! I gasped and tried to move but found I was frozen.

Okay, calm down, breathe, now look see where you are!

I took a deep breath letting it flow threw my lungs before releasing it once more. Then I looked and was utterly shocked by what I saw. The floor was on the ceiling and the city outside was upside down, I groaned. Turns out Eclipse had knocked me out and set me in a upside down levitation charm.

How clever.

And I thought magic binds were the worst way of imprisonment, nevertheless I had to at least try to figure out a way to get free. Flapping about like a fish on land would do me no good whatsoever. I hung in the air, all the blood rushing to my head, causing it to throb.

"Uugh!" I groaned. "Hello? Anypony there?"

I knew nopony was in the room but I had no other ideas.

"H-hello," a small voice sounded from behind the upside down plant by my throne. "I'm here- I mean we're here!"

My eyes widened. I was saved.

"Ok, um can you help me?" I asked trying to sound as polite and not in pain as I possibly could. "Please?"

There was a pause and the sound of rustling and whispering.

"Uh, uh I t-think so!" the voice replied.

"Yes, she means yes, we can help you!" another voice, this one from behind Christilia's throne.

"Who are you ponies?" I asked.

"Guards ma'am, the ones that uuuh took cover when you arrived!"

Then I remembered the two soldiers that had hid when I burst in.

"Oh right! So can you maybe come out?" I tried to smile but my face hurt so I stopped.

There was some rustling and the clop of hooves and then I saw them. One was a small Earth Pony, almost the size of a filly with pink and purple man and orange coat. They're compatriot, a tall, stocky Unicorn, with a blue and magenta mane and an orange and grey spotted, white coat, seemed to tower over the little one.

"I'm Sunrise," said the Earth Pony. "And she's Silver."

"Sunny!" Silver nudged her. "The queen doesn't care, besides it's not our duty to tell her our names! It's our duty to get her to safety!"

"Don't listen to her Sunrise!" I smiled. "It's lovely to meet both of you, now! Silver, do you know how to a reverse a levitation charm? I can't move right now so my horn is stuck."

Silver's eyes widened.

"Oh why yes! Of course! Just um hold on!"

She planted her hooves on the floor, Sunrise stepped out of her way.

"Revino levintante!" Silver chanted.

I blast of blue light shot from her horn and I felt my chest lighten. Then I started falling, Sunrise shrieked and scrambled back her silver amor clinking. I saw the ceiling spin and opened my wings, flipping around I right myself so my legs were facing the ground and flapped. I swooped up, the throne room flashing before my eyes and then flew back down till I hit the floor.

"Wow!" breathed Sunrise.

I smiled.

"Thank you Silver!"

The Pegasus blushed and shuffled her hooves awkwardly.

"Oh, um thank you, your highness!" Silver bent her front legs in the beginning of a bow.

I raised my hoof to stop her.

"It's ok!" I laughed softly. "You both just saved my life!"

Sunrise smiled a small smile and dipped her head. A glimmer of light caught my eye, I glanced up and spotted a large crumbled hole precisely in the center of the roof.

"Where'd that come from?" I asked nudging my hoof at the ceiling.

Silver and Sunrise looked up with me and Sunrise looked scared.

"What is it?" I asked, worried.

"Eclipse escaped, she flew threw the roof," Sunrise replied. "We should've followed, we should've gotten you down sooner, it's our fault ma-"

"No! No, no, no! It's not your fault! If you'd tried to fight you'd be dead!" I smiled. "No, I should have stopped her, it was my duty."

The three of us stared through the hole, the red light from the eclipse shining down on our upturned faces. I sighed, lowering my head.

"I need to stop this," I admitted. "It's time."

I ruffled my wings, spreading them wide, getting ready to fly.

"Wait!" Sunrise screeched. "What can we do? Please let us help!"

I looked back at her, I saw the courage glitter in her violet eyes.

"Warn everypony that Eclipse is coming and get them to safety," I paused. "And if it looks like Eclipse is going to win, let General Dawn know I've given you command over the army."

Silver's eyes glowed.

"Yes ma'am!" she grinned and nudged Sunrise. "You hear that Sunny, control over the army! The whole army!"

Sunrise smiled and flicked her tail.

"Now, I need to hopefully save El Turnia!"

I flapped my feathered, white, wings, slowly at first, but gaining speed as I lifted off the floor. The hole grew larger and larger as I drew close, and soon enough I was flying above the kingdom. The tiled, brown roofs of the castle and village homes spread out before me. The grey stone wall that enclosed Trottingham was a distant circle, I sighed happily. The red light shone on the tall mountain peaks in the distance, this was my home.

I'm going to save you. I said to the land in front of me. I promise.

El Turnia: Becoming Fire *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now