Chapter 39: Goodbye Christilia, Hello Lamia

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Maybe Lamia was right, maybe I didn't have a chance! It made sense, for at that moment all my chances seemed to go beyond my reach.

My kingdom's in danger, I need to save them. That's my duty.

But how do defeat Lamia? And not kill Christilia in the process.

"THE TRANSFORMATION WILL BEGIN SOON!" Lamia called to me, she sat atop my thrown, while I was on the ground, tied and gagged.

"Whuffle ouf mefnth?" I tried to speak through the magic cloth around my mouth.

"WHAT DO I MEAN? WELL, WHAT DO YOU THINK I MEAN?" Lamia laughed, purposefully not answering my question.

I just glared at her. I still was trying to take it all in. Christilia was possessed, Lamia was back, and I had to fight her again. Lamia did a fake sigh.


I wriggled and try to yell through my gag. Lamia rested her chin on her hoof.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" she asked, with a wave of her horn, she removed my bind.

"Is Christilia still there? CHRISTILIA CAN  YOU HERE ME?" I hoped that would work, if Christilia was there maybe I could talk to her.

Lamia flinched, then flung her head into her hooves. Then with a scream she hurled herself against the throne.

"NO! GET BACK IN!" on the word 'in' she slumped to the floor.

I sat there, shocked. Lamia really didn't want Christilia to get out, that must be one of her weaknesses. Need to remember that.

"Well, now I know!" I said, giving it all the mockery I had. "She can!"

"WOW... YOU REALLY ARE A..." Lamia stopped and had to breathe for a minute. "A GENIUS."

"Thank you! I've always hoped you'd notice!" I smiled sarcastically.

Lamia narrowed her eyes and bared her teeth. She got up, her legs trembled and her breath came in short gasps.

Looks like that took a lot out of her!

I was surprised by how much Lamia was weakened by Christilia's presence inside her. Possessing a ponies body must be harder than it looks. I hoped I could use this to my advantage.


"You swear what?" I interrupted her. "You're gonna kill me? Yeah, I know."

I tried to seem and stay confident by trash talking the old woman in front of me, it wasn't really helping.

Gotta get out, gotta get out!

I wriggled, hard. But it was of no use, these were magic ropes that tied me together. I looked up at my horn, it was also bound in the glowing yellow fiber.

Great no magic.

Magic Binds, were perhaps the securest way of capture. Once tied up, the prisoner would instantly be drained of all previous magic. A Pegasi couldn't fly away, an Earth Pony would be weaned to the point of unconsciousness, and a Unicorn's horn would be empty. Ingenious, really, but irritating for the pony ensnared, of course. I sighed and resting my chin on the red and gold carpet stared up at my captor. Lamia was sitting, regally on her throne of thievery, watching the dawning eclipse as the moon cover the sun.

Wow, I get that metaphor now.

Of course, an eclipse the moon covering the sun. Defeating it.

What a genius.

This new addition, honestly, just left me more frustrated. Lamia was trying to take everything from me, my family, my home, and my..

My love.

I slumped to the floor, my bindings digging into my skin, painfully. Well.. I guess she hadn't completely stolen Christilia from me, she was still there.

If I can just get out of these stupid ropes!

I writhed harder this time, not stopping when they didn't give way.

C,mooon! Come! On!

Outside the moon moved finally over the sun, red light fully flooded the throne room and the rest of the world. I stopped, my breath long and scared.

Oh no.


I looked up. Lamia stood straight on the edge of the throne platform, half of her face lit up and frightening, the other cast in shadow.

"NO!" I wasn't exactly sure what Lamia's plan was but it scared me, I knew it wasn't going to be good.

"YES!" Lamia spread her smile as far as it would go, I'd never seen Christilia's face look so... warped. "NOW!"

Lamia snapped her head down to stare at me.

"I THINK IT'S HIGH TIME FOR YOU TO SHUT UP!" she waved Christilia's long violet horn, returning the bind to my mouth.

Dang it!

Lamia breathed deeply as I was silenced. A muffling quiet spread over the room... and the kingdom. Down in the villages, ponies stopped screaming and running, everypony just, froze.
Blueberry Muffin slowly slunk into her forest floor home, hiding. Prince Scorpion strutted towards the gates of his new city, unaware of the bloody paw prints he left in his wake. Pixel turned and slowly walked back across the dock, not moving as his mother ran to embrace him.
And I stared up at the lifeless body of my long lost heart. Everything was changing now, the wave had broke, the storm had rolled in. It was all coming to the starting point. Lamia stared across the room, her eyes fixed on a nonexistent point.

"NOW," she smiled, her eyes shining. "LETS BEGIN SHALL WE?"

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