Chapter 17: New Beginnings

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I don't how it happened, but when I had defeated Time Warper I had in doing so freed his army and brought Christilia back to life. I guess it had been the god's way of rewarding me. And even better when I had seen her alive again I had been so overjoyed I'd told her that I loved her. She told me she loved me too. But then there was bad news.  After Time Warper had been banished it was time to repair the kingdom and also time for Christilia to return home... or what used to be her home. We searched for days but found no sign of the Jewel Empire or of it's residence including Christilia's mother and father. It was as if Time Warper had erased its existence, although we did still remember it. Christilia was stricken with grief. She had lost her home and her family, it took awhile to get her back in spirits, but I helped her through it all. I know this part is a bit rushed but there is so much more I want you to know. First since Christilia had nowhere else to go and she was royalty it was required by royal law ( written by my grandmother ) that she become queen beside El Turnia's own heir to the thrown ( me ) . Second we were supposed to be coronated by our parents but seeing as we had none... well let's just say the ceremony was less... special as the ones before. Third when I defeated Time Warper I earned my cutie mark ( an image on a ponies flank depicting their special talent ) I guess my talent is saving the world.
Author's note:
Gloria's cutie mark is a sun with a ying yang inside. Christilia's cutie mark is a crescent moon with three stars around it.
Christilia's duty as princess was raising the moon at night and ruling the kingdom at night as well, mine was raising the sun and ruling the kingdom during the day and along with that Christilia and I now wielded the Tokens of Peace the magical tokens that contained the most powerful magic an earth ( I wielded the tokens of: magic, loyalty, and generosity, Christilia wielded the tokens of: kindness, honesty, and laughter ) . It may sound sort of simple but there was nothing simple about ruling a kingdom and sometimes I felt like-
"Your highness the dignitaries have arrived."
I jumped as my advisor, Falcon, spoke.
"Huh? Oh right the dignitaries!" I said awkwardly then more politely I said; "Bring them in please Falcon."
"Yes your highness." Falcon bowed her head respectfully and left the room.
I can't believe I forgot the meeting!
It was time yet again for the annual meeting of the kingdoms that only happens every thousand years and I forgot!
What is it with me and forgetting meetings?
I straightened my crown, smoothed my frizzled mane, and exited the room, Christilia almost crashed into me on the way out and was looking very nervous.
"There you are!" she said sounding relieved. "I hope we're not late! What happens if we're late?"
"Nothing! Calm down, you'll be alright!" I tried me best to sound encouraging. "If you make a mistake I'm sure the others will understand! They know we're both new at this!"
"I know, but still!"
"You'll be fine, come on let's go!"
"Alright, alright, I'm coming."
We entered the throne room and were sitting down as a trumpet heralded the first arrival.
May I present: King Dune and Queen Panther of the Manticore Kingdom and their son Prince Scorpion!"
Two large Manticores entered the throne room, King Dune had the body of a lion with a long battle scared scorpions tail, Queen Panther was similar to her husband's form except her's was that of a black panther, their son on the other hoof was a scrawny lion for he had not yet earned his scorpion tail and his wings were still growing in. The Manticores bowed respectfully and took their place beside the our thrones. A second trumpet sounded and the guards announced the King Jet, King Cinder, and Princess Rose of The Dragonlands and finally Queen Primavera of the Color Spirits ( magical beings that can take the form of any animal and are the source of all the color in the world ) . We led our guests to the castle courtyard where the initial gathering was designated to take place. Everyone spread out and before long the courtyard was alive with the sound of laughter and polite conversation. I breathed a sigh of relief, this had gone much easier than I'd expected, no creature had even questioned why El Turnia's newest queens were so young.
"Excuse me?"
I spun around to find Prince Scorpion standing behind me looking very abashed.
"Oh! Uh... yes?" I asked.
"I... um I heard what you did to Time Warper and I just wanted to say that... Ithinkyourrellycool!" He said rushing the last part in embarrassment and then quickly scurried away.
"Uh.. thanks!" I called out after him.
Ok that was... weird.
I shrugged and quickly busied myself with finding Christilia.
"Well that was nice of him!" I jumped at the sound of Christilia's voice behind me.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Prince Scorpion," Christilia said. "He's seems to like you."
"What!?" I yelled a little too loudly and shrank back when everybody looked stopped talking and looked over to where I stood.
Christilia laughed.
"You seem popular is what I'm saying!"
Popular? Oh. Great.
I thought as Christilia trotted away. I had no desire to be "popular", who would? I mean I guess I WAS the queen, it was almost every stallions dream to be chosen by a queen to be a king.
Well to bad for them. I will NEVER marry any of them!
If I was going to marry anypony, which I wasn't, it would be Christilia. I smiled at the thought.
I looked around confused. Then I spotted Queen Panther and King Cinder facing off in the middle of the courtyard. I sighed. Mother had told me this happened every year. It was almost impossible for the manticores and the dragons to hold the sacred truce for very long. They were sworn enemies and I guessed it might be hard to be six feet away from them without attacking or at least refrain from rude commentary.
"Will you two please calm down!" Queen Primavera whined. "You idiots ruin this gathering every year! Can you maybe not do this right now?!"
"Calm down!? Calm down!?" King Cinder roared. "Excuse me, but when someone assaults me I have the right to assault them back!"
Queen Panther growled, making sure King Cinder could see her fangs glisten in the sunlight.
"I have done no such thing! You start-"
"SHUT UP!" everyone yelled.
And that was the last straw. The uproar from the courtyard must've been heard all around the kingdom and I'm willing to say beyond as well.
Well this is going great.
I looked around for Christilia maybe together we could put a stop to this, but there was no sign of her anywhere.
Ugh! Where is she?
"SILENCE!!" a voice roared.
Everyone froze and silence finally fell. That's when Christilia appeared. She strode through the frozen mass of creatures and over to where it all started. Queen Panther and King Cinder looked shocked as she stopped right in front of them and stared daggers at them for about three minutes before she finally spoke.
"I would deeply appreciate it if you two would please step away from each other, stop disrupting this sacred gathering that only happens once every one hundred years, and for goodness sake shut up before you drive us all into insanity!"
She finished and stared at them for a long while. 
And then she turned around and strode away. She walked over to me and sat down.
"Well that was easy!"
I just gaped in shock. She looked at me confused.

El Turnia: Becoming Fire *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now