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So there will be a few changes in the world of alphas, betas and omegas.

First off there's no such thing as mates. People explore relationships before they decide to officialize their bond and mate. However, once you bond you can't ever bond with someone ever again. You can dissolve the bond but it's excruciatingly painful and of course you can't mark another person ever again.

Second, almost 99% of wolves understand they are all equals but laws are bent when it comes to mates, instincts and the unfortunate situation. So all wolves are equal and omegas aren't treated badly. Instead sometimes they are even worshipped because they are so blessed by the Moon Goddess.

However, like all things there is always that one person that thinks they are high and mighty.

Here are some details about the different second genders.


They experience their ruts every 4 months and can last from 3 days to an entire week depending if they have a mate or not.

Also, it's actually less likely for them to rape an omega during this time since they hate it if they make the omega scared or distressed in any way. This forces them out of the haze and they will immediately back off.

Alphas have instincts that make them possessive, territorial, protective and dominant.

They usually have a high instinct to protect omegas in distress in non sexual ways and can easily tell if an omega needs help.

Usually alphas live alone until they find their chosen mate and create a family with them since they won't like the idea of another alpha sharing the same space as them with their scent everywhere.


Omegas experience their heats every 6 months and last from 2 to 5 days depending if they have a mate.

Omegas are extremely fertile during their heat and if they are extremely sexually matched up with their alpha, they are twice as fertile meaning it would be rare if the omega didn't end up pregnant.

Like alphas, omegas can tell if an alpha is tense and their pheromones can help relax them and ease them into a state of peace to help them gather their thoughts.

Omegas have instincts that make them calming, warm, loving, comforting, motherly, docile and very cuddly.

Omegas usually like being social and helping especially to other omegas since they easily find comfort with each other.


Betas do not get the ability of strong sense of smell and can barely pick up scents and pheromones of omegas and alphas.

This makes them able to be friends and approachable with anyone without the hassle of worrying about instincts, scents, pheromones and the like when developing friendships or other relationships.


When two people decide to enter a courtship to potentially become mates, they place a kiss on the other's cheek, neck, jaw, or sometimes forehead depending on where they want it to be. That kiss leaves a temporary mark of a symbol that represents their potential mate.

When they enter the courtship and exchange the marks, that immediately stops other potential relationships with others unless they decide to not become mates. If they decided to end the courtship, they will say something about ending it or if they want to decline the courtship overall.

For example,

"I, XXX, officially decline the advancements of XXX to become mates."

Or something along those lines and their saliva will be mixed with a liquid that will remove the mark they've placed by licking it off.

That should be all the information you guys need for this story but if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask☺️💜

Now, just a small little warning about this story, it will have much more angst than I've ever written before. It won't be terrible angst but it's like the angst that keeps you on edge about what's going to happen next.

Cya in the first chapter lovelies 💜💜💜

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