Final Touches

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~Gulf's POV~

The winter formal is in 3 days and I'm proud of myself. The stress is finally almost done and over with.

My darling alpha will be back in almost a week.

After that, everything will be back to normal.

I continue to enjoy my alpha being by my side again and spend my winter break with him. Oh and Mild is due in 3 weeks. There's been nothing but good news for me.

We went clothes shopping for the triplets and they are so tiny and cute!

They have even picked out the names for my nephews.

Kai for the eldest.

Nai for the second eldest.

Dai for the youngest.

***I came up with the names half asleep so don't judge and I wanted them to rhyme😩🥺🥺***

Mild always fawns over the tiny socks he got for the pups. They are just so tiny!

I smiled to myself and watched as volunteers and some student council members were decorating the event hall.

Fairy lights were placed inside little cotton fluffs and placed all around the edges and parts of the walls. Art students made shiny sculptures that look like ice crystals to place around the stage and the tables for food or resting. Beautiful deep blue, snow white, and lilac flowers were arranged in glass vases as centerpieces for the tables.

The stage was set up for the DJ and for the pedestals that would hold the crowns for the Winter formal King and Queen.

I sighed knowing I would be the one having to announce the winners of the titles.

I looked down at my clipboard and left the hall to make the call for the food catering to confirm the request from a couple days ago. I leaned against a pillar and spoke with an employee for a few minutes until everything was confirmed for Saturday.

I strolled back inside the hall and help with setting up the snowflakes for the picture scenery of a winter wonderland.

It's so cliche but I was outvoted.

I want a snuggle from my alpha right now.


~3rd POV~

"B-bestie!" Mild wailed.

Mild, Boat and Gulf were currently inside the couple's shared apartment with a crying pregnant omega fussing about his outfit. Gulf was soothing Mild and Boat was trying to help Mild figure out the outfit.

"I hate it! I hate it so much! It's too stupid! What if my puppies get cold!! It's so stupid!!" Mild continued to wail.

Mild had chosen an outfit that was a pale blue and very flowy around his body. He bought a maternity dress but he didn't realize that it would actually show off his swollen belly.

The only reason he hates it because he thinks it will make his puppies cold. Just so you know.

"Butterfly, there will be a lot of people so it will be pretty warm inside and there will also be plenty of warm food too!" Boat tried to appease him.

"B-but what if t-they start getting s-sleepy a-and they can't s-sleep because it's too l-loud?" He whimpered.

Gulf jumped in to rescue Boat from the crying omega.

"Mild, if your puppies get tired, then I'll find a nice quiet and cozy spot just for you and my nephews. Or just set aside a table just for you. Hmm? I'll bring you food and drinks so you don't have to get up too." Gulf cooed and nuzzled his best friend.

"R-really? F-for me?"

"All for my bestie." Gulf confirmed.

"Okay! Boat! Why aren't you dressed!"

Boat internally wished for his son's to hurry out to relieve him of his precious butterfly's crazy mood swings.

Boat hurried off to get dressed while Mild was so gently patting and rubbing his belly.

"Oh bestie, can you hand me my special spray? I just know so many people will try to touch it. I need it for self defense." Mild asked.

Mild hated people touching his bump so much that he started using a spray bottle filled with liquid to get people away.

Now Mild was equiped for everything.

Mild was so happy about his little dress that showed off his belly and was nagging at Boat to touch and pat their puppies.

Gulf was dressed in a simple silver button up, slacks, coat and a pretty purple ribbon tied around his neck. He kept the purple ribbon since his alpha loved it so much.

Gulf touched it and just slightly imagined it was a mating mark instead.

He misses his alpha so much.

Mild was already waddling for the door and tugging Boat along with him.

They all left the apartment and made there way to campus and the event hall.

Gulf praised himself and amazed at the wonderful party.

Only a few people are here but it's only barely started.

Some were taking pictures and some already getting in the mood to dance.

Few approached to share compliments and thanks.

Gulf patted himself in the back before hopping over to get a drink. His smiled and enjoyed his hardwork from the distance.

Let the dance begin.


Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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