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~Mew's POV~

This is what I hate about working in offices.

Everyone's got it out for one another just as long as they get that better position, extra pay or benefits. It's horrible but my job pays good and no one else has my position. I'm a special case.

These guys created my job out of thin air.

Crazy right?

I chose to ignore this annoying guy and accepted the folder my new boss gave me. I glanced through it and frowned at the blueprints they showed me.

"This is what they've been working on lately?" I questioned.

"Yes, this is the latest project with a new product coming out on kitchen appliances. This is the first of 5 appliances they've come up with. Tell me your thoughts."

I nodded and kept looking over everything they've drawn out before closing it and holding up 4 fingers.

"One, what's going to make this appliance special?"

"It's going to be less space consuming, quieter than regular loud appliances, work more efficiently and have smarter functions to make it easier to use." He stated.

With these blueprints?

They've got to be missing some gears.

"Two, how they hell are these supposed to be space saving when they've got almost the same measurements of my fridge!"

How can people miss this?

"Three, these types of motors aren't much different than regular appliances so that's out the window too! Four, you've got a nice idea about recycling old appliances but they will not work well when you don't break them down and rebuild them stronger! That's going to make them fall apart in no time and guess what's going to happen when that spreads around about your products."

Don't they have people to go over these things before blueprints are handed out to begin making prototypes?

"Good work, now tell that to the creation team. I just looked over that a few minutes before you came in here. Now, do your job and rip apart this product and make it better." He smiled and fanned out his arms in front of him.

Basically, I get to be an asshole to these guys and tell them how to fix things. I love my job already.

He got up and asked me to follow him out to the workspace. I walked next to him into the big open space and watched as he gestured for everybody to come over. There were 13 people in total including that guy from earlier.

I waited for new boss to finish introducing me and give them the rundown of what I'm here to do.

"I know this is a busy time right now with our new line of appliances. However, our CEO has decided to hire a new guy to help fix any and all problems with blueprints, mechanical work, and engineering problems. He is now basically a new boss over you guys right under me. We've seen what he can do with his hands and we know he's the guy for the job. He will overlook your work, tell you what's wrong with it if it has some problems, and tell you how to fix it or he will fix it himself. Guys, meet Suppasit Jongcheveevat."

He finished his little speech and I slightly waved my hand before opening the folder and reading out loud the problems.

"One, your measurements are completely wrong and crazy huge. Two, you have chosen the one of the most basic and loud motors for a 'quiet' appliance. Three, if you want to recycle old appliances then at least know how to recycle them first."

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