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~Gulf's POV~

"Do you feel better now Mild?"

"L-lot's better. J-just a bit a-anxious."

I've been making sure Mild has calmed down and relaxed so he doesn't keep stressing. I've kept him tucked into his nest with Boat completely covering him with his body. Mew has been growling and cursing while he paced the dorm. He was beyond angry and wanted to run back to try and find that guy.

"Darling, can you bring Mild some water please? He will be less stressed if he's refreshing himself."

He instantly chirped out a yes and marched to get him water before coming back and gave it to Mild like he was going to feed a baby. Mild guzzled it down and pushed it away before diving back into his nest and snuggling into Boat to calm down.

"Darling, why don't we leave them to destress and go to my dorm. You promised to refresh your scent in my nest." I pouted.

Him pacing around growling won't help much so we can leave to get him settled too.

I had to drag Mew back to his senses before leaving and taking him to my dorm room. The moment we were inside, he was already carrying me to my nest. He set me down and climbed over me to drown me and my nest in his scent. His body was still tense with anger though.

I gently rubbed his back with my tiny hands and nuzzled him to assure that I was okay.

His body was warm against mine and we laid there cuddling for hours just laying down. We talked here and there about new things we still might not have known about each other.

We were calm later on in the afternoon to make dinner together and shared little pecks with each other as we ate our food. I convinced him to stay the night with me to make sure my nest was really saturated with his scent.

"Kitten, I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to escalate the situation."

"Why? You were just protecting me and Mild. There's no need to apologize. You made me feel safe with you and you stayed till I was comfortable again. My darling is the best." I whispered the last part. I smiled to reassure him.

He's worrying over nothing.

"Really kitten? Are you sure I'm the best?" He questioned doubtfully.

I pouted and nuzzled his chest.

"Do you not trust me? Do you not believe me? My alpha is the best but he doesn't believe me." I whined.

His eyes widened and he desperately shook his head.

"No! I trust you kitten it's just....sometimes I feel like I'm not worthy of such a precious omega like you."

"Hmph, says who? Let me see them! I'll beat them up and then I want cuddles and ice cream."

He burst out in laughter and I pouted.

"What? Do you think I can't?"

"N-no.....I-i just tried to imagine you b-beating someone and......fuck I imagined a p-precious little baby b-beating someone with a stick and ice c-cream in his hand!" He pushed out while laughing.

"Hey~ don't tease me~"

I pounced on him and playfully started to play fight with him.

We tumbled and pawed and nibbled for a while until we both collapsed in exhaustion. He nipped my ear one more time before gathering me up in his strong arms again. I giggled and snuggled into him once again.

"Thank you darling. alpha."


"Darling~ it's no good to skip classes." I whispered.

Mew is currently laying his head on my lap and snuggling into my tummy.

"Don't care."

He stayed like that as we wrote down our notes for the day. I actually kind of liked it. I was able to run my fingers through his hair as much as I liked.

Class finished early which would've given me extra time to look over today's notes if student council hadn't been called to the meeting room.

"Sorry darling, I have to leave now. I'll join you at lunch okay?" I murmured to him.

"Do you have to go?"

"Sorry darling. Here, have a cookie and I'll be back as quick as possible."

I gave him the cookie and a quick peck to the lips before gathering my stuff and leaving towards the meeting room.


"So you have to plan the winter formal?"

I slumped down on our lunch table when my darling asked. I told him all about how I was put in charge of planning our annual winter formal. It's insanity!

I can't do it!

I can't plan things like that! What if I ruin it and then everybody hates me for wasting their time on something that should be so precious and fun!

"Kitten stop. I can smell your scent turning bitter and depressing. I hate that. You'll do fine. You're my kitten so anything you do will be perfect and amazing. Now hurry and eat. I want to spend some time with you before I leave for work."

He fed me my lunch and I gave him kisses as thank you for his sweetness.

"Gulfie~ my alpha is being so mean~ save me~" I heard Mild before I saw him.

He cuddled up to us and gave us tears as he whined about how mean Boat was for not letting him have ice cream cake before his lunch.

"Mew~ beat him up for me! He's so mean to his pregnant omega~ then will you give me ice cream cake?" Mild begged as Boat was doing his best to explain how unhealthy it was to eat dessert before his meal.

"How's it my fault!? You put this puppy inside me! Now you're blaming me for it!" Mild yelled.

Aww, my poor bestie is suffering from mood swings.

"Mild~ I have mint chocolate cookies~ do you want some?" I sweetly offered.

Best thing for Boat right now, is to give Mild what he wants. If he doesn't then Mild won't want to eat his lunch. That's no good for him or the puppy.

"Really! Gimme gimme!"

He munched on the cookies while snuggled between Mew and I. My bestie is so cute and adorable while he's pregnant!

I wonder what will it be like when Mew and I have a puppy?


Did I just say that!!??!?!??


Sorry this took so long lovelies 😣😣😣😣

Good news is I will never have to take a state assessment test again!!🎉🎉🎉

However I do still have lots of final projects before school let's out 😔😔😔

I will try my best to keep writing in my free time but until then enjoy this rushed chapter and enjoy our cute moody pregnant Mild🥰🥰🥰

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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