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~Mew's POV~

We didn't get much time.

Not at all.

We only had 2 weeks to help Alex grow enough to be born even just a bit safer even if the risk of stillbirth didn't go down.

We only had 2 weeks......

We had to make......plans....... in case something went wrong. Promises of what to do if something happened.

We only had 2 prepare if my omega or my son died.

Maybe even if both didn't make it.

People only bond with one person their whole life and if their mate dies.....they are alone for the rest of their dark lonely life if they didn't succumb to the pain or depression. I'm mated and there's a chance I could lose my family at any moment and there was nothing I could do about it.

This wasn't something I could fix in my garage with some patience or tools.

I only had to wait 2 weeks.....before I got those answers.

I sat next to my weak and small omega as he fitfully tried to adjust to everything. I held him when he cried at the possibility of losing our puppy. I fed him when his body wasn't strong enough to lift a spoon to his lips. I bathed him when he felt dirty and didn't trust his body to stay upright in a tub. I carried him when his legs were too weak to walk. I whispered sweet promises to my family at some small pathetic chance of keeping them with me.

I gave my love to my kitten....every single last drop inside me.....just to let him know that I was there with him. Through thick and thin. Through every challenge we faced in the hospital room. Even in his delirious moments when he thought we were back home in our nest.

I gave him my support when his body started trembling and his cries pierced my ears. I did everything I could, to get him through those dark hours when our puppy decided to come again. I made sure, he felt safe when his body went limp and the people around hurried to get him into an operation room.

I made repeat every promise I made to my kitten as they cut through his stomach. Every single one of them as his eyes fluttered up at me and showed me every drop of love through our bond while his smiled never left his face.

That moment was all I could remember for a long time that day.


I laid down in our nest as I blinked up tiredly at the wall. I laid so still that I mimicked a dead body. I could feel my heart beating in my chest due to how quiet it was.

It was too quiet. It's the quietest it's ever been in a long time.

I turned and let my eyes scan my kitten's body. He was okay. He was laying next to me breathing and alive.

He's sleeping in my clothes, in my arms, in our nest.

His body was curled up to mine as the shirt revealed the scar on his tummy. Faint silvery marks also accompanied the scar.

I traced them with my finger as I watched his chest rise and fall as he slept. I love his tummy even more now if that was even possible. I covered us tightly with a blanket and tried to get comfortable to finally find a way to sleep.

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