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~Gulf's POV~

I woke up in the middle of the night to find my darling shaking and crying. His scent was very sour and bitter from usual. His arms were wrapped tightly around my body, almost painfully tight.

I hurriedly shook the sleep from my eyes and tried to find a way to wake up Mew. He kept mumbling incoherent words and whines were leaving his throat. It's scary seeing him like this. He's always shown how independent and confident he is.

I tried to shake him awake but he was still deeply asleep. I tried calling his name and biting him but he was still very much asleep.

I started getting worried when it got worse. The fear of not being able to help him was overwhelming. I did my best to move my body and adjust myself so his head was in my neck and he was cradled in my chest.

I made sure to emit soothing pheromones and a lot of my scent to calm him down while rubbing his back. He slightly calmed down but he was still shaking and whining.

I adjusted myself again and pulled his face slightly up to begin grooming him once more. Grooming someone's face is much more intimate but this is my alpha. I will groom him however I want.

His brows relaxed and softened and the trembling ceased. A feeling of relief washed through as I steadily kept grooming my alpha.

It took me almost 30 minutes to fully calm and relax him. Even then I could still feel how on edge he was.

That's when the perfect idea came to me. I snuck out of his arms and placed a pillow in my place before getting to work. I spent an hour perfecting my idea and set a small quiet alarm to set off in a few hours. I took away the pillow and slotted myself back into his arm.

He immediately sought out my scent and buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and patted his back like a baby's and let myself fall asleep.


~Mew's POV~

I felt sleep start to leave my consciousness only to jerk awake when memories of last night flooded my brain.

Did I wake him up because of my nightmares? Fuck, I thought I was doing okay for awhile since I was so focused on my kitten. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and waited for them to refocus.

I looked around and found myself breathless.

My bed was converted into a nest. Blankets, pillows, and my clothes were tucked around my bed and smelled a lot like my kitten. I looked around for him but I didn't see him.

He made a nest.....for me?

I was about to leave the perfect nest when I heard humming coming up the stairs. I peered over and saw my kitten bouncing around with a tray of food in his hands.

"Darling~ good morning. I did my best to make us some breakfast. Hurry and sit up so I can set this down for you."

He came to my side and made sure I was properly up before setting the tray down in front of me. Eggs, toast, and a small stack of pancakes with some coffee on the side.

"Kitten, you made breakfast?"

"Uh-huh, I have been wanting to make you something to eat but I'm still working on what I could make you though. I want to be able to blow your mind away. Now, say ahh."

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