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~Gulf's POV~

I woke up this morning to the best view ever.

My darling was sleeping on my tummy but he was occasionally unconsciously rubbing his head up and down the slight swell.

I wasn't uncomfortable but I really wanted kisses. I let my hand brush through his messy hair and carefully detangle it while shaking his shoulder with my other hand.

"Darling, wake up. I'm hungry. Let's make breakfast." I pouted after he didn't initially wake up.

I moved my hand a bit downwards and immediately pinched down on his nipple. His body immediately jerked up and a hiss of pain left his lips.

"Ow! Baby that hurts!"

He rolled over and hid his chest away from me as he grumbled and tried to get comfortable again.

"Darling ~ I'm hungry!"

"Yea? 5 more minutes and we can go to Nana's and get some breakfast." He mumbled as he buried his face into the pillow I used last night.

"Mew, I will pinch your other nipple if you aren't ready in 5 minutes to get breakfast at Nana's." I threatened.

"And I'm up. Good morning my precious kitten." He hugged my waist and gave me sniff kisses along my neck and my mark.

It tingled a bit but not uncomfortably.

"Good morning Mew. Now, carry me to the bathroom. I need to clean my face and brush my teeth." I commanded.

I was quickly lifted up and he carried me to the bathroom. I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face while Mew was still slowly brushing his teeth.

I gently brought a wet cloth to his face and wiped it while he rinsed his mouth. We eventually got completely dressed after Mew finally let go of my waist and stopped using my shoulder as a pillow.

Soon enough, I was enjoying the sun rising as I snuggled into Mew's back with his jacket wrapped around me. I love his motorcycle. It's so soothing to me.

We got to Nana's stall and got some food before getting some more to deliver to Mild and Boat. They just got to their apartment an hour ago but they didn't have food ready or the energy to make something. Now they do.

Mew was being flirty in the elevator by grabbing at my butt and giving lots of kisses to my cheek. That's how his other nipple got pinched.

He was still rubbing at it when we entered the apartment and then our ears were being murdered by crying puppies. Mild and Boat were running around looking for the diapers and three naked puppies crying in their arms.

I immediately set aside the bag I had and rushed to Mild to take one of the puppies and help look for fresh diapers. I watched Mew out from the corner of my eye set down his bag and open the other bag by the door and pull out diapers.

"You could just use your nose and smell for cotton and baby powder you know." He mused.

We quickly put the diapers on the babies and got them clothed as Mild fed 2 on his chest and Boat fed the other with pumped milk.

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