Winter Formal

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~3rd POV~

Music was loud, drinks were shared, and scents mingled on the dancefloor. For most college students, this was perfect for their dancing skills and socializing with potential partners.

For Gulf, it was too loud, noisy, and he hated the huge amount of scents all muddled into one space. He sipped on his juice and munched on some cookies.

As the president, he needs to make sure no students are trying to slip some alcohol into the drinks and totally ruining the formal he's stressed out over. Everything had to be perfect tonight.

Gulf himself wasn't much of a dancer so he wasn't eager to get onto the floor and dance with the other students. His also had no desire to dance since the only person he would dance with wasn't there.

His eyes swept over the crowd and made sure everything was going okay before making his way over to Mild's table. He was sitting down and patting his swollen belly while eating some cookies. He also sometimes sprayed people who kept trying to put their dirty grabby hands on his precious bump. He only allowed 3 people to touch his bump without permission and just touching it in general.

He liked being social but since his pregnancy started, don't touch his belly.

They chatted for a little while before Gulf was called over because someone was caught with a flask full of vodka trying to pour it into the drinks.

That's how Gulf spent the next hour outside the hall with the campus security taking care of the girl and explaining the whole pointless scenario with them even though it should have been pretty self-explanatory.

He finally went back in with a bit of a mood and returned to eating some snacks before Mild practically begged him to dance with him.

"Please bestie ~ my puppies want to dance with their uncle. Please na~" Mild whined while holding Gulf's hand on his belly.

At first Gulf was reluctant but after feeling his nephews kicking, he couldn't say no.

That's how he and Mild ended up twirling around and dancing in silly ways that brought smiles to both of their faces. Boat was happy watching them have fun before he stepped in to joined them swaying around. All three danced for an hour before Mild got extremely tired and slumped in a chair. He was refilling his energy with snacks while Gulf did another round of observation.

He made small conversations with people here and there while smiling when someone complimented his efforts for the formal. He talked and talked for ages and got caught up in socializing with his classmates, that he hadn't realized it was a few minutes until he had to announce the King and Queen.

He politely dismissed himself and walked up to the stage and took the microphone into his hand.

"Good evening everybody! May I please have your attention to announce this year's Winter Formal King and Queen."

Everyone quieted down and gave their full attention to the president. Everyone was buzzing in excitement to learn who would receive the pretty crowns and started to record or take pictures.

"Thank you for your votes over these past few weeks in helping us decide who would be accounted King and Queen. Without taking up too much time so you can return to partying, I now have the results." Gulf assured and held up a small envelope in his small hand.

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