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~Gulf's POV~

I went in front of Mild and held him behind me. I don't want to take any chances this time.

Marcus came closer before stopping after he realized we were trying to avoid him.

"Gulfie, let's go before we are late to class. My legs are getting tired from walking so much." Mild whined before tugging my arm towards our class.

I followed him but Marcus called out to us.

"Wait! I just want to apologize!" He yelled.

"Ignore him Gulfie. My belly feels weird. I think the puppy remembers." Mild whimpered.

"Let's go. Do you want some water before class starts?" I worriedly asked.

Mild is vulnerable and his mental state needs to be taken care of. If his body recognizes that Marcus makes him feel uneasy, then the puppy will be affected too.

"No, let's just go to class."

We hurried away and I did my best to ease Mild while we waited for our professor to start our lesson. I almost sighed in relief when I tensed up as I saw him walk inside the class and sit on the other side of the room.

How could I forget he has this class too!

I prepared to become a barrier for Mild when a handful of nearby people also shifted to surround us.

"Hey Mild, how are you and the puppy doing today? You don't look so good. Shouldn't you visit the nurse if you aren't feeling well?" A person alpha.

"Yeah Mild. Your health is of the utmost importance right now. Why don't you let Gulf escort you there? We'll take down the notes for you both." An omega said.

This pair were also courtmates.

I looked over at Mild but he shook his head.

"I'm fine. Don't worry that much. I can't leave too many classes with just a few mild symptoms. I should save those days for when it really gets bad." He chirped, trying to ease up the atmosphere.

"If you say so Mild."

When class began, I released my own pheromones around Mild to protect him and the puppy just in case he tried something again. I will keep us safe until class ends.

Fortunately, everyone that moved still stayed as a barrier for the rest of our class period.

We hurried to get our stuff together so we could leave quicker but he still was able to approach us. Not fully because of the human barrier but close enough to speak.

"Please wait! I really just want to apologize!"

The couple quickly intervened before he tried to get closer.

"Hey! You clearly make both of them uncomfortable and from what we saw you do to the both of them I really just want to punch you in the face!" The girl barked out.

Mild kept a tight grip on me as I was trying to figure out a way to deescalate the situation.

"If you want to apologize then just say it and then leave us alone!"

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