Growing Together

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~Gulf's POV~

It's been a few difficult months for us. It was hard and definitely tiring but it was necessary. Most people face hardships with a closed mind and readiness to give up. They reach a block in the road and decide they don't want to face it and just try their best to ignore it by finding the next easiest path.

Yes, there were times I wanted to get to the next easiest path.

Yes, there were times I wanted to ignore my problems.

Yes, there were times I desperately wanted to give up.

But, I had a hand to hold. I had a strong warm hand holding mine and soft lips kissing my worries away. I also had my happy puppy, giggling without a care in the world when he sees me.

I had friends that were warm to me and helped me see that problems will happen but you need to be calm and ready to face them.

So I just stood tall with them and faced my problems.

I got to enjoy finishing my education and getting my license with Mild and my little Alex on my hip. I got to be exhausted and frustrated with balancing school and raising my son. I got to be angry and sad with my darling when we argued as we were both drained after our day. I got to be apologetic with my darling after we cried together in our nest begging each other for forgiveness. I got to grow with the people that I love around me.

Especially my darling Mew.

He's the reason for more than half of the things in my life.

He gave me love, support, honesty, and our puppy. He gave me a home to raise our son in. His scent whenever I ask him. He hugs when we sleep. His kisses give me a boost of energy and love. He gave me his heart to cherish with all my being.

I don't know what I would be without him.

I watched him carrying our puppy in the crowd, right in the front row next to Boat with a big stroller. Mild was right next to me jumping in his seat in joy at the sight of his family.

My own alpha was hyper fixated on me while he let Alex nom on his shirt. My darling is more handsome every time I look at him. Even now, I fall in love him more and more every single day.

He gave me a small smile as the dean began calling out names for our diplomas.

I barely acknowledged anyone other than my family as I descended the stage and hurried over to them. I was quickly enveloped in a warm hug and lifted slightly off my feet.

"Congratulations kitten. You've worked so hard for this." My darling congratulated me.

"Thank you darling. You've worked harder than me though. I'm not the one working to support our family yet." I praised him with another kiss.

"Hmm, I'm not the one that carried and birthed our son. My kitten has definitely worked harder than me." He started playfully arguing with me, going back and forth on who deserves praise for our achievements.

"Okay, how about we both worked hard.....together." I offered a middle ground to him as we walked alongside Mild and Boat. We are planning on going out to eat with each other to catch up a bit.

My darling hummed and nodded his head on agreement. "I still think you worked harder though." He whispered before we burst out laughing together.

Alex happily cooed and enjoyed munching on his glove.

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