Not Goodbye

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~3rd POV~

The tired couple fell asleep snuggled up tightly with their scents flowing everywhere throughout their home. They both only want to enjoy their time together.

Gulf was the first one awake. His bambi eyes fluttered open and settled on his darling alpha. His lips curved to make a loving expression to the man sleeping next to him as he leaning forward to softly peck his cheek.

Gulf stretched his sore body and winced at the sharp pain in his bottom. He pouted and looked down at the still sleeping alpha to cutely stick his tongue out at him before searching for a shirt.

He specifically wants Mew's shirt.

He found one deep inside the nest and pulled it over his head and watched it try to cling to his slender collarbone. He pulled one side up but the other side just fell further.

He huffed and let it go to carefully and shakily stand up next to their nest. Once he got his feet steady, he tried to ignore the sharp pain as he took baby steps but the pain suddenly spiked when he took a bigger step. He leaned against their bed to get balanced.

He was prepared to be carried up and held in a pair of warm buff arms that cuddled him so gently last night.

"Kitten, what are you doing? You know if you're in pain then you shouldn't be trying to walk around." Mew lightly scolded Gulf.

Gulf pouted when he realized he wouldn't be able to make his alpha breakfast due to his overprotectiveness and stubbornness. He would never let him get near the kitchen as long as he could help it.

"Aow, now my surprise is ruined. Why didn't you stay asleep you meanie?"

"I knew my omega was in pain. Now, let's go to the bathroom and freshen up so we can get some breakfast."

Gulf was pampered and cleaned by his concerned alpha but didn't mind not one single bit. He was also dressed in fresh clothes like a little doll and frequently gifted plenty of kisses.

"Darling, can we invite Mild and Boat for breakfast? I want for all of us to be together one more time before you have to leave."

"Okay, let's do it. Call them up and think about where you want to eat kitten." Mew agreed.

Gulf rolled over to find his phone and eventually started calling Mild. It rang for a few moments before being answered.

"Who is it?? I'm trying to sleep here!!!"

Gulf giggled at the angry pouting of his bestie before he decided to mention food.

"Mild! Do you want to have breakfast with me and my darling?"

"When and where?" A clear but cute demand came from the other end of the line.

"I'll send it to you. I'll see you there bestie!"

Gulf hung up and showed his darling the address of the place he wanted to eat. Gulf was kissed and carried all the way down to the garage and held in the lap of his alpha.

Mew wasn't in a rush and peacefully cruised down the road with his kitten snuggled into his neck. The sun was warm and glowing on Gulf's face and Mew himself struggled to concentrate on driving without being completely enamoured by his kitten.

They arrived at the restaurant and got off the motorcycle when all of a sudden, a bright and hungry Mild ran over to hug Gulf.

"Bestie!! Guess what! Guess what!!"

Gulf was shaken and completely drenched in happy and proud pheromones from Mild.

"Aow Mild, you smell so strong right now. What's the good news?"

Mild pulled out a picture and gave it to Gulf with the proudest smile on his face.

Gulf looked down at a picture of an ultrasound. His eyes skimmed over the picture before freezing in shock.

"No! Mild!" Gulf squealed before yelling and jumping around.

Gulf was so happy after looking at the contents of the ultrasound.

"Darling!! Mild is having three puppies!! Three!!" Gulf screamed. He was so happy for his bestie.

Mild blushed and nodded his head.

He was pregnant with three little puppies.

"Oh Mild! What's the gender of the puppies?" Gulf asked while hugging and snuggling as closely to his bestie as possible.

"Well...............that one is a boy..................that one is a boy.....................and that one is a boy." Mild slowly said while pointing at each of his precious puppies.

"Oh wow! Damn, Boat was really busy then." Mew exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, where is Boat anyway?" Gulf asked.

"Ummm, he's somewhere around here. I could smell you two and I couldn't hold my excitement so I kinda just ran over here." Mild sheepishly confessed.

Mew and Gulf walked Mild into the restaurant and found Boat inside already sitting down at a table and waving at the three.

All four of them celebrated the reveal of the puppies and enjoyed spending time with Mew before he would leave.

Gulf would leave with Mild and Boat while Mew traveled from there to the new garage.

They talked and laughed and had fun all together but not a single person was sad. All were happy and in complete bliss with how things were going out for them.

They finished eating and Mild and Boat stood off to the side and Gulf was bittersweetly smiling at Mew.

"I'll be back as soon as possible kitten. Take care of yourself until I come back......cause when I do, you will never be able to be away from again." Mew whispered the last part specifically for only his omega to hear.

"I love you kitten."

Mew have one last kiss to his sweet kitten before giving Mild a hug and a quick tussle with Boat. He hopped onto his bike and looked towards the people he was already considering his family.

He strapped on his helmet and zipped up his leather jacket before giving one last wave and kicking up the stand and driving off.

Gulf watched as his darling left and let himself be held by his friends as they guided him to their car.

"It's going to be okay Gulf. He'll be back soon. Why don't we go back to our place and watch some movies?" Boat tried to comfort Gulf.

He nodded in agreement and let himself go into the car and head to their place.

Gulf held his arms and curled up in the seat as he smiled from all the memories he had to cherish while his alpha was gone. He kissed the necklace he always wore and held it closely to his heart.

"I love you my alpha....come home soon."


Another chapter!

Mild is having triplets!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉

And they are all boys!!!

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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