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~Mew's POV~

"Darling, can I spend the night at your house? Since we're going to the party tomorrow it's easier to just stay with you tonight."

I chuckled and gripped his waist to place him on my motorcycle so we can leave. I kissed his nose and strapped the helmet on him before getting on myself and driving off.

Again, we are leaving to my place without any preparation or spare clothes for my kitten. It's not that bad since he'll end up wearing my clothes and be drowning in my scent.

We arrived at my place and I instantly wrapped him around my waist and carried him up stairs into my living room. What should we have for dinner today? I gave him a big kiss on his cheek before setting him on the couch and browsing my kitchen.

I don't have much in the kitchen. I might be able to make some instant noodles and fried rice. I started getting stuff out to begin making dinner while my kitten just wandered around.

I rushed to finish the food so my kitten isn't hungry and I played it on the table and called out his name.

"Kitten! Come eat!"

I heard the soft thumping of his footsteps coming from upstairs and watched as he cheerfully ran to me and snuggled into my side.

"It smells good! Darling, I want some now~"

His eyes were wide and his scent was softer from the change in his mood. I sat his cute butt on a chair and kissed his head while watching him dig in. His cheeks were chubby and full of food as he smiled and nuzzled my shoulder.


I chuckled at his adorableness and quickly kissed his cheek before eating my own food.

We finished eating and showered for the night before climbing into bed. I am now officially his personal body pillow. He scented and nuzzled me while I brushed his soft hair with my hand and gave small kisses to his cute face here and there.

My body felt content as we laid there. Calm and serene pheromones were hazy around us. I can stay like this for the rest of my life, cuddling my kitten with no other worries.

I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep with my arms wrapped tightly around him and hugging close to my heart.


"Mew! You're finally here!" My boss hollered from behind a grill.

Cooking meat, spices, beers, and sweet icing filled my senses along with other people's scents. I kept my arm around my kitten's waist and guided him towards boss.

He's been hyper all morning, waiting for the time we were supposed to leave for the party. His scent was so soft and airy that it makes me feel happy too.

"Hey boss, where's the birthday pup?"

He chuckled and pointed inside the house while flipping burgers.

"My wife kicked me out because we wouldn't stop playing games and she was trying to get him dressed. In my defense, I thought it was only 8." He explained.

"So basically you're sleeping on the couch tonight is what I'm hearing?"

He laughed and nodded his head while rubbing the scruff on his face. "Probably, but that's not what matters right now. Is this your omega we've been hearing about?"

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