New Work?

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~Mew's POV~

"Wait, so let me get this straight real quick. You want me to go to a neighboring mechanic branch 2 hours away from my kitten for a month?" I tried to confirm with boss.

"With bonus pay. They're willing to pay twice the amount you make here an hour for help and training other mechanics."

I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Why would I ever agree to this especially since I'm in courtship right now??" I groaned.

Hell, the pay is very tempting but there is no way that I want to leave my kitten for a month. If I wasn't in courtship I wouldn't think twice but now I am.

"I'll think about it. I just don't want to leave my kitten for that long."

Boss nodded his head and patted my shoulder.

"I know boy. I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it was important or you were the person for the job. Let me know if you change your mind." He ruffled my hair before smiling and walking off into the shop to help an incoming customer.

Fuck....what am I going to do?


"Do you think this blue ribbon is better than the silver one darling? Or maybe this dark purple?" My kitten asked while holding up ribbons. He was so adorable with that pout and cute tilt of confusion.

"I dunno.......drape them around your neck for a moment please."

His face turned even more confused but he still did it. I smiled at the ribbons on his neck and bit my lip before speaking.

"Purple looks really good on you. Reminds of my hickies on your neck."

He flushed and pulled them off before shoving my shoulder.

"You're no help you pervert!"

I chuckled and pulled him closer to hold him tightly. I pouted and turn his face away to avoid my kisses but I just turned to his neck instead.

I bit down on the soft flesh and flicked it with my tongue when he squealed.

"D-darling! I don't have anymore concealer!"

I frowned and said, "Are you trying to hide my claims on you? Why are you covering my bites?"

That does not make me happy.

"No it's not like that. It's's embarrassing to show that you were kissing my neck like that. It's not that I want to hide your claim." He murmured.

I frowned even deeper.

That's impossible.

He loves my kisses on his neck. He was so happy to show the marks on his neck. Why the sudden change of mind?

"Kitten.....did someone say something? Don't even think about lying to me."

He tried to shake his head and deny what I said.

"Don't. Lie."

He whimpered before getting teary eyed.

I sighed and gently rubbed his head and his tummy while tucking his head in my neck.

"Please don't cry kitten. I didn't mean to get aggressive. Shhh..."

He sniffled and shook his head.

"I w-wasn't scared of y-you.....I-i j-just didn't want t-to bother you a-about my i-issues."

I pulled him back and looked into his big eyes.

"Kitten, what's the point of me becoming your alpha if you can't rely on me with situations like this? How am I supposed to care and protect you if I'm not aware of your problems?"

"B-but I didn't think you wanted t-to deal with t-things like that."

He sniffled and fell back onto my chest to snuggle closer.

"It was 2 weeks ago. This girl came up to me and Mild while we were taking a small snack break. Both of us had....marks...on our necks. She started ranting about how inappropriate and embarrassing it was to flaunt about us being......'fucked' our courting mates. I just started overthinking about it so.....I just started putting concealer over them."

I growled and bit another spot on his neck.

"What's her name? I'll get rid of her. You are mine to mark and claim. You shouldn't care about what she has to say about your beautiful marked neck." I hissed before nibbling on his neck some more.

"I d-don't know. I didn't think of it that way. I'm sorry darling." He whispered before holding my face in his tiny hands and leaving a small kiss on my cheek.

"Don't say sorry kitten. Just lay still for me."


~Gulf's POV~

"Holy shit Gulf! Were you attacked by an octopus?! Damn!" Mild exclaimed. He gawked at the marks on my neck that were placed by my darling yesterday.

"No! Mew was just......feeling possessive." I defended. I sat down next to him and gave a side snuggle and a little pat on his belly.

"Wow Mild, you're really healthy! The puppy is already growing so well!" I complimented him.

That is one healthy puppy.

"Do you think so? I think I'm putting on weight too fast." He pouted and rubbed the slight swell in his tummy.

"I don't think so. Are you sure it's one puppy?"

"Of course! I don't think I would have more than one right off the bat! At least.....I don't think so."

"Ask your doctor next time about it if you think you are putting on too much weight. If not then you're just a healthy mama! There's nothing wrong with feeding you and the puppy well."

He sniffled and burst into tears before tucking himself into my side.

"M-my b-bestie is the best!!" He wailed.

"Of course! Who else is worthy of having me as their puppy's uncle?" I soothed and calmed him down to reduce the tears before giving him some more cookies.

He happily munched on them as we left to head to our class.

However, we just didn't expect to see the person Mild doesn't really like right now......Marcus Darawan.

The same alpha who tried to smother is in his scent.


What's going to happen now?"


So our antagonist finally has a name!

Also, thank you Dragontales140 for the name😊😊😊

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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