Calmer and Hornier Times

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~Gulf's POV~

I'm making my darling dinner to replenish his energy from work. If he starts letting go as soon as he's home, I want to at least get something in his stomach before he goes and plows all that energy into me. I shivered at the tingling feeling in my spine at the thought of us mating again.

We haven't mated in a while now. Especially since we're always sleeping with Alex. My puppy is a good puppy though. He sleeps good most nights but some are more tiring. I looked down and watched as he kept sucking on my nipple. He's now in a wrap instead of a carrier............but that gives him free access to my chest since I don't wear a shirt when I have it on. I like sharing my warmth with my puppy. I leaned down and kissed his soft head before returning my attention to dinner.

I'm cooking chicken to put in a soup. I've already diced up potatoes and carrots and drained some corn and beans. I'm don't know if want to put noodles or rice into my soup though.

Hmmm.....maybe noodles are the better choice. I went over to our cabinet dedicated to instant noodles. I grabbed 3 plain chicken flavored noodles and went back over to the pot. I put the flavor packets to the side to add in a bit and put the noodles in the hot soup to cook.

I put everything inside and stirred it around while adding the flavor packets. I glanced around my growing spice corner on the counter and added some more flavoring with garlic, onion, paprika, lemon pepper and some parsley.

***This is how I've always wanted to try and make chicken soup but never had the time or the opportunity 😐 I've made chicken with the same seasonings and it tastes great but it could taste totally different if it's a soup. One day I'll make this and tell y'all if it actually tastes any good 👍🏼***

I turned down the heat and let it simmer. I smiled in satisfaction. I glanced at the time and realized my darling would soon be home. I hurried upstairs and set my sleeping Alex in his little nest I made. I quickly jumped into the shower and made sure I was clean and fresh before getting out.

I put on my smallest pair of boxers and the biggest shirt of my alpha's I could find. I fluffed my hair and finished my look. I checked on my puppy and then hurried downstairs to finish the soup.

I turned the heat up and stirred it around before tasting it. Mmm...perfect! Flavor burst in my mouth from the juicy chicken and the perfectly cooked noodles. I turned off the stove and set the pot to the side. I want to eat with Mew but I probably won't have much time to eat if he comes and just fully enters his rut. I made myself a bowl and kept an eye on the time.

I carefully finished two bowls and pat my belly in satisfaction. Just as I sat my bowl in the sink, I heard the familiar roar of my darling's bike. I made him a bowl and then hurried downstairs only to meet him halfway.

I couldn't say anything to him as he lifted me up and smashed his lips on mine. I purred into our kiss and wrapped my arms around his shoulders to rub at his scent gland. His scent was strong and heavy with arousal. He kept his arms around my waist and continued to climb up the stairs.

I almost forgot I made him dinner as he tried to take off my shirt. I had to pull my lips away to speak some sense into him.

"W-wait....I made d-dinner. Please eat first darling. You need your energy." I tried to explain as he kissed down my neck.

"No. I have plenty of energy. Just hungry for my mate." He growled. He already opened a few buttons on the shirt and had his own pants unbuttoned.

I felt his erection against the curve of my butt and blushed as slick began to produce. He kept my legs wrapped tight around his waist as he pushed me against the table in the kitchen.

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